Page 29 - Shimadzu Journal vol.9 Issue1
P. 29

Shimadzu Selection

            Untargeted LC-MS/MS-based metabolic phenotyping           Expanding capabilities in routine clinical
               applied to the CD248 knock out mouse model             toxicology screening using HRAM QTOF
            Untargeted LC-MS/MS is a powerful tool by which to identify metabolic   Low resolution mass spectrometry with triple quadrupole MS/MS systems
            phenotypes. Here we applied metabolic phenotyping analysis to the   deliver highly sensitive, robust, reproducible and proven technology plat-
            CD248 knockout mouse model. CD248 is a transmembrane glycoprotein,   forms for targeted clinical toxicology screening and identifying unknown
            expression of which is markedly upregulated in a considerable number of   compounds in patient samples. However, high resolution accurate mass-
            disease models including tumor growth, inflammation and injury-induced   spectrometers (HRAM) provide support for targeted and untargeted work-
            fibrosis. In human clinical studies, CD248 expression is upregulated in the   flows in which no spectral data are lost and retrospective data analysis can
            fat cells of patients with diabetes, conversely, CD248 expression reverted to   be supported. To reduce false positive reporting a HRAM data-independent-
            a normal range when obesityassociated diabetes was reversed through   acquisition MS and MS/MS method was used together with a HRAM MS/
            weight loss. In this work, an untargeted LC-MS/MS metabolic phenotyping   MS clinical toxicology library for routine screening assays.
            analysis, using a reverse-phase LC separation and high resolution accurate
            mass (HRAM), was applied to a CD248-/-mouse model following high fat
            diet (HFD) feeding to study the effects of diet on serum metabolite profiles.

             High Sensitivity Analysis of Steroid Hormones with         MALDI-nanochip based Screening of
              modified ESI to improve desolvation efficiency                  Exosomal Biomarkers
            Development of a high-sensitivity method to assay a steroid panel in serum   We previously demonstrated we could rapidly distinguish fluorouracil re-
            samples. Thanks to LC-MS/MS with the newly developed ion source   sistant cancer sample groups based on protein profiling of extracellular
            IonFocus Unit, the sensitivity of steroid hormone was improved. Steroid   vesicles using a linear benchtop MALDI TOF instrument [1]. The aim of
            hormones play a major role in the control of metabolism, neurotransmis-  this follow up work is to identify the proteins that are differentially ex-
            sion, intracellular signaling, gene expression, reproduction and cardiovas-  pressed in the different sample groups in order to better understand the
            cular. Therefore, steroid hormones are very important in elucidating the   disease processes and to support the rapid screening approach developed
            mechanisms of various diseases. Furthermore, not only do steroids play   previously. Here we present the results from this study using a high perfor-
            roles in sedation and seizure prevention, they are known to be effective in   mance reflectron MS/MS MALDI-TOF platform for the comparative pro-
            cancer treatment and regenerative medicine. Therefore, highly sensitive   teomic profiling of circulating extracellular vesicles extracted from
            analytical technologies to steroid hormones quantitation in biological sam-  colorectal cancer plasma samples.
            ples are required in clinical research. Here we investigated higher sensitive
            analytical methods to steroid hormones by improving desolvation efficiency
            in LC-MS/MS ion source.

            LC-MS/MS method development of aflibercept using      Multi-target screening of toxicological compounds
                Fab-selective proteolysis nSMOL technology       in blood on a fully-automated platform consisting of
            Aflibercept is a biopharmaceutical drug inhibiting of vascular endothelial   sample preparation module CLAM and LC-MS/MS
            growth factor (VEGF) signaling and composed of the extracellular domains   Multi-target screening by LC/MS/MS has been widely adopted in detection
            of human VEGF receptors 1 and 2 that are fused to the Fc portion of the   and quantitation of drugs of abuse (DoA) in forensic investigation and toxi-
            human IgG1 immunoglobulin. It is important to determine an appropriate   cological research. Usually, a wide range of targets are screened in such
            dose for medical optimization, but little amount of intraocular fluid is able   analysis, including illicit drugs, narcotics, psychotropics, antipsychotics,
            to collect as a specimen in the treatment of retina. To offer the quantitative   pharmaceuticals and other toxic compounds in urine, serum/plasma and
            assessment method of aflibercept in biological matrix, the primary structure   whole blood samples. Sample preparation is often a bottleneck due to the
            was confirmed using a quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrome-  tedious steps. It is also a factor responsible for inaccurate or false negative
            ter LCMS-9030, and quantitative analysis was performed with a triple   results. We describe a solution by using an automated sample preparation
            quadrupole mass spectrometer LCMS-8060 by using nSMOL (nano-surface   module CLAM-2000 TM connected with LC/MS/MS system (LCMS-8060)
            and molecular orientation limited proteolysis) technology.  for multi-target screening of 61 drugs in whole blood. A ready-to-use
                                                                method package Rapid Toxicology Screening (Shimadzu) was used to set
                                                                up the screening method with human whole blood (frozen) spiked sample
                                                                without efforts in LC and MRM method development.

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