Page 36 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 36

Latest topics 3

                                 Research on Alzheimer´s

             Early detection of Alzheimer’s biomarkers

            Shimadzu,  one  of  the  world  leaders  in  analytical  instrumenta-  opening  the door  to new  advancements  in research, identifying
            tion, introduces the collaboration with the Clinical Laboratory   suitable candidates for clinical trials and helping pharmaceutical
            and Proteomics Platform of the CHU University Hospital of   company to test candidate drugs.
            Montpellier, France. With the team of professors Sylvain Lehmann
            and Christophe Hirtz, they focus on MS (mass spectrometry) based   The blood analysis works using a combination of immunoprecipita-
            blood amyloid-beta analysis for early screening of amyloid-posi-  tion and MALDI‑TOF mass spectrometry (IP‑MS). This technique
            tive subjects. The cooperation plans to conduct a joint cohort   was first established by a team of scientists including Shimadzu’s
            study from the Memory Resources and Research Center (Professor   Koichi Tanaka, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in
            Audrey Gabelle) to evaluate whether this simple blood analysis   2002 for developing a method for mass spectrometric analysis of
            method enables early and accurate prediction of amyloid pathol-  biological macromolecules.
            ogy in the brain with an easy-to-acquire blood sample.
                                                               The CHU of Montpellier is part of Shimadzu’s European
            Unlike conventional positron emission tomography (PET) imaging   Innovation Center (EUIC) program. The EUIC merges the cut-
            and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing methods, Shimadzu’s blood   ting-edge analytical technologies of Shimadzu with game‑changing
            amyloid-beta analysis method is minimally invasive and suitable   topics and expertise in markets and science covered by opinion
            for large-scale deployment. It is a new-approach blood analysis   leaders, strategic thinkers and scientific experts in order to create
            capable of being used for the research of detecting abnormal amy-  new solutions for tomorrow.
            loid-beta concentration which can be a marker for amyloid pathol-
            ogy in the brain.
                                                                 For more scientific background about
                                                                 Shimadzu’s blood amyloid-beta analysis:
            Opening the door to new advancements
                                                                 Nature: A. Nakamura, N. Kaneko et. al., “High performance plasma am-
            in research                                          yloid-β biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease” doi: 10.1038/nature 2545
            These new blood‑based biomarkers were discovered in 2014 by
            Shimadzu and the Japanese National Center for Geriatrics and
                                                                      Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Support
            Gerontology (NCGG). Although the screening analysis is Research
            Use Only and cannot diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, it is ideal for

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