Page 31 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 31


           Selection                                These article were selected by Shimadzu. Relating HPI analysis and development, they are
                                                    from posters presented at Gulf Coast Conference 2019, ASMS 2020 and from application notes.
                                                    They feature a variety of instruments we produce and include cutting-edge technologies.
                                                    Please obtain the articles of your interest through the links on the titles.

                From Crude to Fuels – Trace Metals Analysis             Evaluation of Long-term Stability of
                  by ICP-OES for ASTM D7691 and D7111                 Analysis of Fuel Dilution for Engine Oils
            Understanding the metals content of crude oil and refined fuels are critical   using a Backflush GC System
            to assessing their value, determining refining workflows, and ensuring ap-  Fuel contamination such as gasoline/diesel in engine oil is known to
            propriate functionality during combustion. To accomplish testing for trace   decrease the viscosity of lubricating engine oil. This contamination also
            metals in crude oils and fuels derived from them, laboratories typically ad-  known as fuel dilution leads to a shortened lifetime of engine oil. For this
            here to standard test methods from organizations such as ASTM or UOP,   reason, the extent to which a fuel is diluted is an important indicator of
            among others. Here, we present trace metals data acquired using a Shi-  engine oil conditions. Test methods used to measure the fuel dilution rate
            madzu ICPE-9820 in compliance with ASTM D7111 for middle distillates.   are standardized by U.S. ASTM D3524, D3525 and D7593. ASTM D7593
            The ICPE-9820 is ideally suited for oil and fuels analysis.   regulates gasoline, diesel oil and biodiesel. In this experiment, a long-term
                                                                stability of Shimadzu GC was examined in the analysis of diesel fuel dilu-
                                                                tion in engine oil using a backflush system according to ASTM D7593.

                 Using a Barrier Ion Discharge Detector for            Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence
                  Trace Water Analysis: An Alternative to             Spectroscopy for Analysis of Sulfur and
                   the Karl Fischer Titration Technique                Other Elements in Petroleum Products
            The determination of water content in a sample is among the most widely   In 2017, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted Tier 3 reg-
            used analyses. Water within a sample can provide positive benefits as well   ulations on sulfur content in fuels which changed the maximum allowable
            as negative impacts on goods depending on its abundance. In polymer and   sulfur content from 30 parts per million on an average annual basis to 10
            plastics manufacturing, including polysiloxanes, excess water in precursor   parts per million. In addition, the International Marine Organization (IMO)
            components can negatively impact the desired structural properties of the   will implement on January 2020 a directive to reduce sulfur in marine/
            final product and be detrimental to its visual properties. Shimadzu’s propri-  bunker fuels to less than 0.5 percent. With these two pieces of legislation,
            etary Barrier Discharge Ionization Detector (BID) coupled with Supelco’s   quantifying sulfur in petroleum products is now becoming ever more im-
            WaterCol™ column is a great alternative to the Karl Fischer Titration tech-  portant. In this poster, we demonstrate how a Shimadzu Energy Dispersive
            nique for trace moisture analysis.                  X-ray (EDX) spectrometer can be used for not only sulfur determination in
                                                                petroleum products, but also for quantification of other elements in addi-
                                                                tion to sulfur.

                Detailed analysis of lubricant deterioration            Analysis of Aromatic Hydrocarbons
                        using multiple analyzers                        in Fuels by ASTM D6379 and D6591
            Engine lubricants play an important role in lubrication, cooling, cleaning,   on a Single HPLC Platform
            and rust prevention for vehicles, construction machinery, ships, airplanes,   Determining the aromatic content of hydrocarbon fuels is crucial to assess-
            and other equipment with internal combustion or turbine engines. As the   ing their combustion characteristics and compliance with environmental
            lubricant deteriorates through use, its performance will decline and the   regulations. Two methods that are used for quantitation of aromatic com-
            inside of the engine can wear, leading to a decrease in service life and    ponents of fuels are ASTM D6379 and D6591, for kerosene and middle
            potential malfunction. Lubricants deteriorate due to decomposition and   distillates (e.g., jet fuel) and diesel fuel, respectively. This poster demon-
            chemical changes of oil components and additives caused by physical and   strates the detection and quantitation of MAH and DAH by ASTM D6379,
            thermal stresses, as well as contamination by metal wear particles and    as well as detection and quantitation of MAH, DAH, and T+AH by ASTM
            incorporated fuel. Therefore, it is recommended to analyze the lubricant   D6591 using a single Prominence HPLC.
            throughout its lifespan to assess its quality, utility, and remaining service
            life. These analyses can be accomplished with a number of instruments,
            including FTIR, GC, and ICP-AE

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