Page 32 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 32
Shimadzu Selection
Sulfur Analysis by GC-SCD Testing the Dilution Rate of Diesel
using Shimadzu’s SCD-2030 for in Engine Oil in Accordance with ASTM D3524
ASTM D5504, D5623, and D7011 If gasoline or diesel mixes into the engine oil, it decreases the oil viscosity
Analysis for and quantification of sulfur in crude oil, natural gas, petro- and prevents achievement of the proper performance as a lubricating oil.
chemicals, and industrial chemicals is critical to ensuring quality, process Measuring the fuel dilution rate serves as a key indicator during oil replace-
control, and safety for refinery, processors, and users. Sulfur is naturally ment, because it can determine the degradation status of the engine oil.
present in raw hydrocarbon materials and often needs to be removed The test methods used to measure the fuel dilution rate are specified in
to ensure processing efficiency because sulfur can poison precious-metal stan dards such as U.S. ASTM D3524, D3525, and D7593. Diesel dilution
catalysts. Furthermore, some sulfur species, such as H2S present safety rate testing methods are specified in ASTM D3524 and JPI-5S-23. This
and health hazards to processors and end users. Finally, some sulfur com- article describes an example of measuring the dilution rate of diesel in
pounds are intentionally added into finished products, such as odorants in engine oil in accordance with ASTM standards.
natural gas.
Testing the Gasoline Dilution Rate of Gasoline Testing the Dilution Rate of Gasoline
in Engine Oil in Accordance with ASTM D3525 in Engine Oil in Accordance with ASTM D7593
and Japan Petroleum Institute Standard JPI-5S-24 If gasoline or diesel mixes into engine oil, it decreases the oil viscosity and
If gasoline or diesel mixes into the engine oil, it decreases the oil viscosity prevents the oil from achieving its proper performance as a lubricating oil.
and prevents achievement of the proper performance as a lubricating oil. Measuring the fuel dilution rate serves as a key indicator during oil replace-
Measuring the fuel dilution rate serves as a key indicator during oil replace- ment, because it can determine the degradation status of engine oil. The
ment, because it can determine the degradation status of the engine oil. test methods used to measure the fuel dilution rate are specified in stan-
The test methods used to measure the fuel dilution rate are specified in dards such as U.S. ASTM standards D3524, D3525, and D7593. ASTM
standards such as U.S. ASTM D3524, D3525, and D7593. Diesel dilution D7593 governs gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. This article describes an
rate testing methods are specified in ASTM D3524 and JPI-5S-23. This arti- example of using an ASTM D7593-compliant backflush system to quickly
cle describes an example of measuring the dilution rate of diesel in engine analyze the dilution rate of gasoline in engine oil.
oil in accordance with ASTM standards.
Testing the Dilution Rate of Diesel Analysis of Thiophene in Benzene:
in Engine Oil in Accordance with ASTM D7593 Comparison of FPD(S) and SCD Analyses
If gasoline or diesel mixes into the engine oil, it decreases the oil viscosity The detectors chosen for trace analysis of sulfur compounds using gas
and prevents achieving the proper performance as a lubricating oil. Mea- chromatography are Flame Photometric Detector (FPD(S)) and Sulfur Che-
suring the fuel dilution rate serves as a key indicator during oil replace- miluminescence Detector (SCD) which offer highly sensitive and selective
ment, because it can determine the degradation status of engine oil. The detection. These detectors have different detection characteristics for sul-
test methods used to measure the fuel dilution rate are specified in stan- fur compounds because of their difference in the principles of detection.
dards such as U.S. ASTM standards D3524, D3525, and D7593. ASTM Therefore, looking at methods for analyzing thiophene in benzene, FPD is
D7593 governs gasoline, diesel, and biodiesel. This article describes an used in ASTM D4735 and SCD is used in D7011, but these methods ana-
example of using an ASTM D7593-compliant backflush system to quickly lyze different concentration ranges of thiophene. In this article, we mea-
analyze the dilution rate of diesel in engine oil. sured results with FPD and SCD, and compared them to Flame Ionization
Detector (FID), which is a general-purpose detector, through the analysis
of thiophene in benzene as an example and described the differences
between FPD and SCD.
Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2 74