Page 35 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 35

Latest topics 2

                                                       Latest topics 2

                 Tohoku University and Shimadzu Jointly

                         Announce a New Breath Test for

                                      Detecting COVID-19

            Tohoku University announced the development of a non-invasive   benefits over other testing techniques are non-invasive nature of
            breath testing technology for COVID-19 through collaboration   aerosol sampling and the wealth of information that can be associ-
            with Shimadzu Corporation, the leading provider of analytical   ated with various biological implications.
            instruments  and solutions. The  technology termed ‘breathomics’
            analyzes viral and host biomolecules contained in breath aerosols   For aerosol sample collection, Tohoku University developed the
            that can be collected by freely breathing into the newly-developed   high-performance collection device that acquires approximately
            device for five minutes. The research team aims to further apply   1 mL of exhaled breath condensate (EBC) by the subject’s own
            the breathomics technology to other infectious and non-infectious   manipulation in five minutes of breathing at rest. Hence the system
            diseases to bring closer the future health monitoring based on   allows for future point-of-care testing needed for early detection
            breath sampling.                                   and safe isolation of infected personnel.

            Research Abstract                                  The multifaceted analysis data delivered by the system include
            For minimizing both spread of COVID-19 and health hazard   the levels SARS-Cov-2 proteins, other viral proteins, and the host
            caused, there is an urgent need for an effective test that can si-  proteins and metabolites involved in inflammatory responses. In
            multaneously screen the disease and give other diagnostic indica-  addition to giving direct indication of viral infection, results can be
            tions such as disease severity and prognosis. To this end, Tohoku   used to evaluate the stage and conditions of the disease, to estimate
            University Graduate School of Medicine and the Institute of Aging   the risk of disease progression, and to predict prognosis and com-
            Medicine, in collaboration with Shimadzu Corporation, worked   plications. Further studies with additional input may enable predic-
            on the development of the breathomics analysis system to combat   tion of metabolic diseases such as cardiovascular and pulmonary
            SARS-Cov-2 pandemic and more.                      diseases, lifestyle-related diseases, arteriosclerosis, diabetes, cancer,
                                                               and health management for preventive medicine. As such, we aim
            The system developed here utilizes a technology termed ‘breath-  to bring closer the future form of personalized and remote health-
            omics’, which means comprehensive analysis of biological com-  care system which we call ‘breath medicine’.
            ponents in exhaled aerosol using mass spectrometry. Its major
                                                               *For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures

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