Page 34 - Shimadzu Journal vol.8 Issue2
P. 34

O2, N2, CO, CH4, CO2 and H2S (High Concentrations) are meas-  By adding SCD to routine Refinery Gas Analyzer, complete com-
            ured with TCD-1 detector with Helium carrier gas. Hydrogen is   position of the sample can be analyzed thus saving  time for analyz-
            analyzed on TCD-2 with Nitrogen carrier gas. C1 to C5 Paraffins   ing in different systems and thereby increasing productivity.
            and Olefins with C6+ or C7+ backflushed, are analyzed with FID
            detector. Typically trace sulfur components like H2S, COS, Methyl   Shimadzu Middle East & Africa (SMEA) has been building system
            Mercaptan, Ethyl Mercaptan are analyzed with SCD detector.  GCs since 2012 and until now has produced more than 350 system
                                                               GCs.  The system GC team has been developing various new appli-
            Typical concentration range for analysis of sample components is   cations and analyzers such as Capillary TOGA, Trace Oxygenates
            as below.                                          (LOWOX), Simdist, DHA, Trace CO–CO2, LPG analyzer, Trace
                                                               Gases with PDHID etc. in addition to accessories such as vaporiz-
                 Components     Low        High   Detector     ers and stream selectors. They have improved overall design of the
                                                               system so that the space on GC can be optimized and utilized for
               O2, N2, CO, CO2  0.01%    100%      TCD‑1
                                                               some complex applications like RGA–SCD and Extended RGA/
                   H2S          0.02%    100%      TCD‑1
                                                               NGA with 4 Channels.
                    H2          0.01%    100%      TCD‑2
                                                               SMEA provides sales and service trainings to its partners and has
              Hydrocarbons C1‑C6+  0.001%  100%     FID
                                                               been providing support for system GC to all customers. It also has
                   Sulfurs     0.01ppm   100ppm    SCD
                                                               the facility to conduct Factory Acceptance Test (FAT).

            The total analysis time is between 10–15 minutes, depending upon   Top image: System GC Team, Shimadzu Middle East & Africa FZE
            number of sulfur components.

                  Fig. 1. SCD Chromatogram – 5ppm Sulfur Components      Fig. 2. FID Chromatogram – Hydrocarbons

                    Fig. 3. TCD 1 Chromatogram – Permanent Gases         Fig. 4. TCD 2- Chromatogram – Hydrogen

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