Page 17 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue2
P. 17

Selection 7  Food Safety
                         Study of a Method for Coping with Matrix Effects in Pesticide Residue Analysis Using GC/MS/MS
                         One of the issues cited in the analysis of pesticide residues in food using GC/MS/MS is the matrix effect that causes abnormal
                         recovery rates. In this article, we report on the results of studying a method for coping with matrix effects when PEG300, and a
                         combination of AP, were used.

                        Selection 8  Food QAQC
                         Analysis of Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Beer Using Nexis™ SCD-2030
                         Volatile sulfur compounds in beer can be generated during production and storage, and  it gives beer their distinct aroma and
                         flavor characteristics and can have a significant impact on product quality. Analysis of sulfur compounds with high sensitivity is
                         required for accurate quality control and product development.

                        Selection 9  Food Analysis
                         High Sensitivity Analysis of Coffee Aroma Components Using the SPME Arrow
                         The SPME Arrow method was developed as a new sample introduction option for the AOC-6000 Multifunctional Autosampler to
                         address the shortcoming of the conventional sampling methods. This article presents the results of analyzing coffee aroma
                         components using the SPME Arrow.

                        Selection 10  Cleaning validation
                          Cleaning Validation of Food Production Equipment by TOC and TN Measurement
                          This application news introduces an example in which the effect of cleaning was confirmed by measuring the TOC/TN of the rinse
                          water when cleaning a container in which vinegar had been introduced, using Shimadzu TOC-LCPH and TNM-L.

                        Selection 11  Food Analysis
                          Micro-Volume Measurement of Food Dye and Amino Acid Compound
                          – Application of TrayCell and NanoStick –
                          In this report, the micro-volume measurements of food dyes and amino acid compounds using the TrayCell (Hellma Analytics) and
                          the Nano Stick (SINCO Inc.) which are microvolume cells and need sample quantities of only a few micro litters for a measurement
                          and the UV-1900 UV-VIS spectrophotometer are demonstrated.

                        Selection 12  Food QAQC
                         Identification Testing of Health Food Ingredients Using FTIR: Support for GMP
                         Recently in Asian countries, GMP is now imposed by law even on health foods. This article introduces an identification of L-glutamic acid,
                         an ingredient in health foods, using the LabSolutions software which controls Shimadzu's FTIR instruments.

                        Selection 13  Food Analysis
                          Measurement of Purine Content in Foods Using HPLC
                          Among purines in the body, about 20 % are from the foods we eat while the remaining 80 % are endogenous. This article
                          introduces analyses of purine content in foods using the "Prominence-i" integrated high performance liquid chromatograph
                          (hereinafter, Prominence-i).

                        Selection 14  Food Analysis
                          Monitoring Organic Acids during Fermentation with Shim-pack(TM) Fast-OA High-Speed Organic
                          Acid Analytical Column
                          Organic acids are attracting attention not only as taste and flavor components in food, but also as raw materials for pharmaceuticals and
                          chemical products, and have been analyzed in various fields. Here we report a case of monitoring organic acid content during fermentation
                          using an ion exclusion column, Shim-pack Fast-OA.

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