Page 19 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue2
P. 19


                                                               One award winner was Dr. Silvia Giordano (Mario Negri Institute
                                                               Milan), who in recent years has started a collaborative project with
                                                               Shimadzu at its Innovation Center in Germany, with the goal of rapid
                                                               and objective tumor identification. In her research, she uses Shimadzu’s
                                                               DPiMS-2020 (Direct Probe Ionization Mass Spectrometer), which was
                                                               developed to assist fast analysis of pathology specimens. It was created
                                                               together with Prof. Sen Takeda of the Faculty of Medicine at the University
                                                               of Yamanashi as part of a Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
                                                               program for the development of advanced measurement and analysis
                                                               systems. The implementation of this technology into the clinical field
                                                               is expected to reduce the surgical burden of cancer patients. Dr.
                                                               Giordano has coupled this technology with Artificial Intelligence to
                                                               obtain accurate and reproducible results.

            Upon meeting at the 2017 Summit, they soon commenced a collaborative
            research project. As Prof. Schug explained, this research aims to “to
            develop methodology for intact protein quantitation using liquid
            chromatography – triple quadrupole mass spectrometry.” In their
            presentation, the two professors introduced their research and talked
            about their collaboration in detail.
            Prof. Schug also mentioned the Shimadzu technology that aided in
            their research: “Shimadzu instrumentation is an essential part of our
            analytical chemistry research.  Shimadzu consistently offers new
            instrumentation, which pushes the boundaries of what can be
            measured. As one example, the variable collision gas pressure in the
            LCMS-8050 and LCMS-8060 instruments is essential to being able to
            fragment large biomolecules in a multiple reaction monitoring-type   Another award winner, Dr. Adam Noah (Yale School of Medicine) has
                                                               focused his unique research on one of the most fundamental social
            In addition, Prof. Schug underlined what they wish to achieve with   interactions we make: eye contact. In this research, Dr. Noah made
            their research: “We can contribute to society and the well-being of   use of Shimadzu’s functional spectral neuroimaging technology.
            humankind by helping clinicians better assess cancer diseases, as well   Specifically, he seeks to understand the neurological basis of this
            as to potentially help the pharmaceutical industry develop new   interaction. To this end, he began a project investigating the role of
            treatments.”                                       direct eye contact in the modulation of activity in the temporal-parietal
                                                               junction as well as neural synchrony between interacting partners in
                                                               the face and socially-sensitive areas of the brain during direct eye gaze.

            In addition, numerous other researchers introduced exciting
            developments in their research that proposed new synergies
            between analytical science and medical imaging technology.
                                                               Shimadzu hopes that these kinds of collaborations aimed at research
            A poster session brimming with innovation          breakthroughs in Advanced Healthcare were accelerated even further
                                                               at this year’s summit. The exchange of ideas between researchers
            Following the initial round of speeches, the event moved on to the   from differing backgrounds, and the innovation this has the potential
            poster session, in which 57 guests and 15 Shimadzu employees   to give rise to, is exactly in line with Shimadzu’s vision of Advanced
            showcased their research. The open layout of the session allowed for   Healthcare.
            lively discussion between researchers from diverse fields. After voting
            by all participants, a panel of judges determined 6 award winners,   For more details, visit at:
            who presented their research on the main stage the following day.

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