Page 20 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue2
P. 20


              A highlight of Shimadzu’s global efforts to catalyze collaboration:
              Looking back at the Shimadzu Global Innovation Summit 2019
                                                                                        Uwe Oppermann,


            By 2050, the world population will have grown to over nine billion   New applications, tips, and tricks for the food
            people. This development will be one of the major challenges for   laboratory
            mankind: how to ensure the supply of safe food and clean water?
            how to increase agricultural yields? and how to develop of additional   For several years, the companies Shimadzu and Merck have been
            food sources? Experts estimate that general food production will   offering seminars on this subject. They have introduced new applications,
                                                               as well as tips and tricks for use in the food laboratory. These training
            have to be doubled compared to today.
                                                               forums are aiming at all analytical chemists responsible for food
            How can the safety and quality of food be guaranteed in the   monitoring and analysis. In addition to the extensive lecture program,
            future? There are many laws and regulations within the EU and   they provide an excellent platform for dialogue and exchange between
            beyond the borders of Europe. Analytical instrumentation has   experts in food production, control, and research & development.
            become an indispensable tool for monitoring the safety and
            quality of food and beverages as well as consumer goods.
            It detects residues from fertilizers, and pesticides, or emissions that
            enter groundwater, lakes, and rivers - and migrate from there into
            the food chain. Furthermore, it contributes to secure supply and
            manufacturing chains in food production, starting with raw
            materials and ingredients, their treatment, processing and all the
            way to packaging. Each ingredient or material could contain
            prohibited or dangerous substances and pollutants.
            Food analysis is challenging due to complex matrices. Moreover,
            the challenges for analytics and laboratory staff are constantly
            increasing, for instance, through qualitative and quantitative
            methods with ultra-fast detection in the ultra-trace range.

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