Page 20 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue1
P. 20
Environmental Analysis
Fig. 13 Shimadzu LCMS instruments
This article discussed five new methods we have developed or are performance of the method on real, and complex, matrices. Total
developing in collaboration with Shimadzu and validating through Nitrogen by combustion - chemiluminescence, a technique used
consensus organizations. The first method, a TOC by combustion-IR, worldwide, has not existed in the US as a written method, preventing
has been recently inter-laboratory validated and published as ASTM the USEPA’s ability to approve it. Similarly, although many laboratories
D7573-18a. The second method, ASTM D8083-16, validated and use GC-MS/MS for trace pesticide analysis, without a method the
published, and the third method, Standard Methods 4500-N E, technique cannot be approved for CWA reporting. SSI provided a
validated and in balloting, are new methods for total nitrogen. The secondary confirmation, and a significant portion of the method
fourth method, ASTM WK54549 for pesticides and PCBs, is currently ruggedness testing, of the ASTM D7979 PFAS method. In addition, we
being developed. The last method, ASTM D7979, has been published, compared results of ASTM D7979 to the EPA method and draft ISO
but only as a single laboratory study. (The USEPA has validated this method. This collaboration between Shimadzu and VCSBs is paving the
method as SW846 Method 8327. SSI was one of the labs chosen by way for implementation of new technology. Each of these new
EPA to participate in the inter-laboratory trial.) Though TOC has been methods improve laboratory throughput, decrease reagent use and
in use for years, no previous EPA approved method contained laboratory waste, and collect data with greater accuracy and precision.
inter-laboratory data to demonstrate the between laboratory
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