Page 15 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue1
P. 15

Environmental Analysis

                       Table 2   Youden Pair Data for TOC as NPOC  To validate Standard Methods 4500-N E, five different sources of
                    .BUSJY                                     water were obtained and distributed to six analysts across four labs.
                /VNCFS PG VTFBCMF WBMVFT                       The five sources were: wastewater effluent, wastewater influent, fresh
                5SVF $PODFOUSBUJPO  NH -
                                                               surface water, saline surface water and ground water. The nitrogen
                 .FBO 3FDPWFSZ  NH -
                                                               concentration of the samples was distributed across the linear curve of
                  1FSDFOU 3FDPWFSZ
                                                               the proposed TN method. Four of the laboratories analyzed a known
                0WFSBMM 4UBOEBSE %FWJBUJPO
                                                               reference material at 13.5 mg/L total nitrogen. The average bias was
                                                               -3.0%. Inter-laboratory precision for each matrix is shown in Table 4.
                                                                  Table 4   Standard Methods Inter-laboratory Precision for Total Nitrogen
                 Table 3   Statistical Summary for non-Youden pair data as NPOC
                                                                     .BUSJY       "WFSBHF SFTVMU  NH - /     34%
              /VNCFS PG
             VTFBCMF WBMVFT                                       8BTUFXBUFS *OqVFOU
                5SVF                                              8BTUFXBUFS &⒐VFOU
              DPODFOUSBUJPO         / "  / "        / "
                NH -                                              4VSGBDF XBUFS  TBMJOF
             .FBO 3FDPWFSZ                                        4VSGBDF XBUFS  GSFTI
                NH -
                3FDPWFSZ       / "   / "          / "
             0WFSBMM 4UBOEBSE                                            Pesticides and PCBs by GCMSMS
              %FWJBUJPO  4U
             0WFSBMM 3FMBUJWF                                  In the United States, laboratories are required to use 40 CFR Part 136
              %FWJBUJPO                                        EPA approved methods for compliance under the Clean Water Act
             4JOHMF 0QFSBUPS                                   (CWA). Certain industry categories are required to monitor for
              %FWJBUJPO 4P                                     pesticides and PCBs. EPA Method 608.3 , specifies a gas
             4JOHMF 0QFSBUPS                                   chromatograph with a halogen specific detector (usually an electron
             3FMBUJWF 4UBOEBSE                                          capture detector) for pesticides. Method 625.1 , Base/Neutrals by gas
                                                               chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS), is also allowed; however,
            Overall, the precision and bias of the method was as expected. The   only in full scan or Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM) mode, which is not
            low concentration of 0.5 mg/L in reagent water shows a high bias.   sensitive enough to reach the low detection limits required for
            Generally, single and multiple laboratory percent relative standard   compliance with most NPDES  permits. We are developing a new
            deviation (RSD) increases as concentration decreases.
                                                               method, using the Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8040 (Fig. 3), to measure the
                                                               Method 608 pesticides and PCBs, taking advantage of the increased
            Total Nitrogen Methods at both ASTM and Standard Methods  sensitivity of triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS/MS). This new
                                                               method, still under development, is ASTM Work Item WK54549 New
            ASTM D8083-16 Standard Test Method for Total Nitrogen, and Total   Test Method for Determination of Pesticides, PCBs, and Polychlorinated
            Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) by Calculation, in Water by High Temperature   Biphenyl Congeners in Aqueous Solution by Tandem GCMSMS . The
            Catalytic Combustion and Chemiluminescence Detection  was written   method is summarized in Shimadzu Application News No. GCMS-1601
            by this author and is already published but not yet approved by the   Determination of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated
            USEPA for wastewater reporting. Shimadzu undertook the necessary   Biphenyls Using GC/MS/MS Operated in the MRM Mode .
            steps to create the method in an effort to provide EPA with at least
            one method in the event EPA decides to propose Total Nitrogen as a   In this application note, the Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI)
            new parameter at 40 CFR Part 136.3 Table 1b . We have written much   Solution Center compared the performance of two instruments -
            about this method, available in the Shimadzu Scientific Instruments   single quad and triple quad GCMS - for semi-volatiles analysis. Many
            white paper, Introducing a new ASTM Method for the Determination of   people had voiced concern with the triple quadrupole instrument not
            Total Nitrogen, and TKN by Calculation in Water Samples .   meeting the same performance as a single quadrupole; however, SSI
                                                               demonstrated equal, if not better, performance with the triple quad
            In addition, to provide EPA with another alternative method, as Part   GCMS-TQ8040 than the single quad GCMS-QP2020 in semi-volatiles
            coordinator and an editor of Standard Methods, the author   analysis. One of the concerns is the DFTPP mass tuning requirement of
            collaborated with Standard Methods for the Examination of Water   most full scan EPA GCMS methods. DFTPP was originally proposed in
            and Wastewater Part 4000 Inorganic Anions to create a new method,   1975 as a reference compound to verify the performance of a GCMS
            Standard methods 4500-N E. This inter-laboratory validated method is   system prior to running any laboratory samples. Since 1975, other
            currently written but not yet published because, at the time of this   compounds, such as DDT/Endrin and pentachlorophenol, have been
            writing, it is still in the balloting stage. Both of these new methods   added to the DFTPP standard mix to demonstrate passing DDT/Endrin
            measure total nitrogen using TOC analyzers configured with a total   breakdown and tailing. Fig. 3 shows passing DFTPP spectra on both
            nitrogen module, such as the TOC-L with TNM shown in Fig. 2.   instruments.

                  Fig. 2   TOC-L with TNM              Fig. 3   DFTPP spectra on the GCMS-QP2020 and the GCMS-TQ8040

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