Page 14 - Shimadzu Journal vol.7 Issue1
P. 14

Environmental Analysis

               How new collaborations improve environmental results

             William Lipps, Chief Science Officer, Eurofins Eaton Analytical

             We are collaborating with consensus standards organizations and   as the Shimadzu TOC-L pictured in Fig. 1.
             using Shimadzu instrumentation to create new methods that will   There were a total of seven matrices tested, four of which were prepared as
             improve environmental monitoring by enabling users to get data   Youden pairs  making a total of twelve samples to be analyzed at each
             faster, and more accurately. In the United States, environmental   laboratory. In addition, each of these unknowns was prepared as blind
             methods must be approved by the United States Environmental   duplicates for a total of 24 vials sent as unknown to each laboratory. (See
             Protection Agency (USEPA) prior to use for compliance monitoring.   table 1). The matrices varied in total dissolved solids (TDS) from reagent water
             The USEPA has several pathways for the generation of new methods:  to seawater. In addition, the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) source material was
                                                               varied by matrix. Humic acids were added to the surface water and seawater.
            1) EPA writes their own method                     Primary standards  ammonium, p-toluene sulfonate, glycine p-toluene
            2) A company writes a new method through the Alternative Test   sulfonate and nicotinic acid p-toluene sulfonate were added to groundwater,
            Procedure (ATP) Process                            synthetic surface water, and synthetic wastewater, respectively. These
            3) Use a voluntary consensus standard body (VCSB) method  primary standards were used in a previous total nitrogen study (see ASTM
                                                               D8083  below) and repeated in this study so that users could prepare known
             Private companies, such as Shimadzu, have only options 1 and 2 above   matrices if they so chose. Humic acids were obtained from the International
             available to them. Option 2, the ATP process, is only applicable to existing   Humic Substances Society . 6
             regulated parameters. This procedure compares data from an existing
             method to a new, or modified, method to determine if the results are
             essentially the same. If so, the EPA issues a letter and may later approve the
             method through the regulatory process.
             Option 3, using a VCSB such as ASTM International or Standard Methods
             for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, is the only way a private
             company, such as Shimadzu, can get a new method, for new unregulated
             parameters or using a new technique, approved by EPA. Important to note,
             just because an ASTM standard or Standard Methods method is developed
             does not mean EPA will approve it. However, EPA only approves methods,
             not techniques, for water testing; if you want a new technique approved,
             you must first have a method. In addition, we believe that once a new
             consensus method is developed it has improved environmental monitoring
             globally, regardless of whether the USEPA eventually approves it.     Fig. 1   TOC-L
             In this article, we discuss several new methods we have developed or are
             developing in collaboration with Shimadzu and validating through
                                                                            Table 1   Matrices used for TOC ILS
             consensus organizations.

            ASTM D7573 Standard Test Method for Total Carbon and
            Organic Carbon in Water by High Temperature Catalytic
            Combustion and Infrared Detection 1

            This method was written by this author and is already published and
            approved by the USEPA for wastewater reporting, however, it did not contain
            ASTM required multiple-laboratory validation data. Shimadzu undertook the
            necessary steps to ensure the method was validated and not removed from
            the books by ASTM. In addition, we collaborated with Standard Methods
            since this ASTM Standard is essentially the same as Standard Method 5310B.
            There are essentially two objectives one can take when carrying out an
            inter-laboratory study: (1) to compare the performances of participating
            laboratories; and (2) quantitatively evaluate the reproducibility of the
            analytical process.  When conducting these studies at ASTM and Standard
            Methods the intent is always to determine the reproducibility of the method
            (number 2) and not evaluate performance between labs. Reproducibility is a   A finished tap water was spiked with KHP along with a high and low
            measure of how well a method performs with different operators, different   concentration in reagent water. These high and low concentrations
            reagents, different instruments, at different locations.   were included to evaluate the performance of the method at the
            Since TOC by combustion – IR is already in use globally, we did not require   calibration extremities without any potential matrix effects. The results
            laboratories initially qualify. Instead, we sent samples to every laboratory that   of the Youden pair samples, statistically evaluated in accordance with
            volunteered. The entire ASTM D19 on water and the Standard Methods part   ASTM D2777 , are shown in Table 2. Unfortunately, matrices 6 & 7
            5000 members were sent invitations to participate. Of these, we only   concentrations were too low for use as Youden pairs, or were
            received about 10 responses, for a total of eight labs that finally participated.   accidentally spiked at similar concentrations. These matrices were
            These labs included four municipalities, two commercial testing labs, and two   processed according to ASTM E691  with the non Youden pairs
            instrument vendors. The laboratories used combustion-IR TOC analyzers, such   shown in Table 3.

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