Page 7 - Shimadzu Journal vol.3 Issue3
P. 7
Insight from Customer
5. Kelly Teske, Premchendar Nandhikonda, Jonathan W.
Bogart, Belaynesh Feleke, Preetpal Sidhu, Nina Yuan,
Joshua Preston, Robin Goy, Leggy A. Arnold
“Modulation of Transcription mediated by the Vitamin
D Receptor and the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated
Receptor δ in the presence of GW0742 analogs”
Journal of Biomolecular Research and Therapeutic
2014, 3, e111.
6. Megan M. McCallum, Alan J. Pawlak, William R.
Shadrick, Anton Simeonov, Ajit Jadhav, Adam Yasgar,
David J. Maloney, Leggy A. Arnold “A
Fluorescence-Based High Throughput Assay for the
Determination of Small Molecule-Human Serum
Albumin Protein Binding” Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry 2014, 406(7), 1867-1875.
7. Katherine M.J. McMurray, Margaret G. Distler, Preetpal
Here are his recent publications:
Sidhu, James M. Cook, Leggy A. Arnold, Abraham A.
1. Margaret L Guthrie, Preetpal S. Sidhu, Emily K. Hill, Palmer, Leigh D. Plant ”Glo1 inhibitors for
Timothy C. Horan, Premchendar Nandhikonda, Kelly neuropsychiatric and anti-epileptic drug development”
Teske, Feleke, Nina Y. Yuan, Marina Sidorko, Revathi Biochemical Society Transactions 2014, 42(2), 461-467.
Kodali, James M. Cook, Lanlan Han, Nicholas R. Silvaggi,
8. Nada Kawar, Shannon Maclaughlan, Timothy C. Horan,
Daniel D. Bikle, Richard G. Moore, Rakesh K. Singh,
Alper Uzun, Thilo S. Lange, Kyu K. Kim, Russell Hopson,
Leggy A. Arnold “Anti-tumor activity of
Ajay P. Singh, Preetpal S. Sidhu, Kyle A. Glass, Sunil
3-indolylmethanamines 31B and PS121912” Anticancer
Shaw, James F. Padbury, Nicholi Vorsa, Leggy A.
Research 2015 accepted.
Arnold, Richard G. Moore, Laurent Brard, and Rakesh
2. Preetpal S. Sidhu, Kelly Teske, Belaynesh Feleke, Nina Y. K. Singh “PT19c, Another Nonhypercalcemic Vitamin
Yuan, Margaret L. Guthrie, Grant B. Fernstrum, Nishita D2 Derivative, Demonstrates Antitumor Efficacy in
D. Vyas, Lanlan Han, Joshua Preston, Jonathan W. Epithelial Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Models”
Bogart, Nicholas R. Silvaggi, James M. Cook, Rakesh K. Genes and Cancer 2013, 4(11-12), 524-534.
Singh, Daniel D. Bikle, Leggy A. Arnold “Anticancer
9. Premchendar Nandhikonda, Adam Yasgar, Athena M.
Activity of VDR-Coregulator Inhibitor PS121912” Cancer
Baranowski, Preetpal S. Sidhu, Megan M. McCallum,
Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 2014, 74(4), 787-798.
Alan J. Pawlak, Kelly Teske, Belaynesh Feleke, Nina Y.
3. Kelly Teske, Premchendar Nandhikonda, Jonathan W. Yuan, Chinedum Kevin, Daniel D. Bikle, Steven D.
Bogart, Belaynesh Feleke, Preetpal Sidhu, Nina Yuan, Ayers, Paul Webb, Ganesha Rai, Anton Simeonov, Ajit
Joshua Preston, Robin Goy, Rakesh K. Singh, Daniel D. Jadhav, David Maloney, Leggy A. Arnold “PPARδ
Bikle, James M. Cook, Leggy A. Arnold “Identification of agonist GW0742 interacts weakly with multiple nuclear
VDR antagonists among nuclear receptor ligands using receptors including the vitamin D receptor”
virtual screening” Nuclear Receptor Research 2014, 1, Biochemistry 2013, 52, 4193-4203.
10. Megan M. McCallum, Premchendar Nandhikonda,
4. Preetpal S. Sidhu, Nicholas Nassif, Megan M. McCallum, Jonathan J. Temmer, Charles Eyermann, Anton
Kelly Teske, Belaynesh Feleke, Nina Y. Yuan, Simeonov, Ajit Jadhav, Adam Yasgar, David Maloney,
Premchendar Nandhikonda, James M. Cook, Rakesh K. Leggy A. Arnold ”High-Throughput Identification of
Singh, Daniel D. Bikle, Leggy A. Arnold “Vitamin D Promiscuous Inhibitors from Screening Libraries with
Receptor-Coactivator Binding Inhibitors” ACS Med the Use of a Thiol-Containing Fluorescent Probe”
Chem Lett 2014, 5(2), 199-204. Journal of Biomolecular Screening 2013, 18(6),