Page 7 - Shimadzu Journal vol.2 Issue2
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Drug Metabolism                                                                                                                                        65

                                    the Shimadzu 8030 system that allowed the samples to be rapidly
                                  the ability to develop an accurate and high throughput assay on
                                freeze/thaw cycles. Critical to these recent discoveries has been
                              remained within stability specifications when subjected to five
                            and from -5˚C to -20˚C. Furthermore, the oxytocin ampoules
                                      analysed once subjected to the test conditions in order to

                                        minimize any degradation during analysis. As the work moves on to study drug delivery, metabolism and  disposition mechanisms associated with the route of delivery, Dr  McIntosh and her team are hoping to use the ultra-high sensitivity  of the new Nexera X2-LCMS-8050 to enable sensitive detection  and minimally invasive sampling during their studies.   This work,  although simple in its approach has been invaluable for clinicians  and skilled birth attendants in the maternal and global health  fields, and has instilled confidence that the potency and efficacy  of the oxytocin solution is maintained when inadvertently frozen. 1. RROLI, G., CUESTA, C., ABALOS, E. & GULMEZOGLU, A. M. 2008.  Epidemiolog

                                                above 4˚C (as commonly experienced in resource poor settings). In
                                                           optimise formulation strategies that can further enhance stability
                                  conditions. The team has identified several deamidation products
                                              current injectable solution when stored at elevated temperatures
                                      indicating complexes resultant from the formation of dimers and
                                        tri-sulfide linkages between oxytocin molecules. All these factors
                                                       degradation products and mechanisms has nevertheless fed into
                            the simultaneous quantitation of the parent oxytocin compound
                                that govern oxytocin degradation under varying environmental
                              the analysis has provided valuable insight into the mechanisms
                                            reduced potency and activity of the drug, in particular, for the
                                                   turn, although these degradation mechanisms are thought to
                                                         the main development project allowing the Monash team to
                                    formed from oxytocin degradation, in addition to instability
                                                     occur mainly in solution, understanding and identifying the
                                          are thought to be the key driving forces that influence the
                                                               manufacturing and storage. of the inhaled dry powder product, especially during  In addition to the development of an inhaled oxytocin powder  formulation, work undertaken by the team has also provided  invaluable insights into the use and stability of the current  oxytocin solution formulation when inadvertently frozen during  transport and storage to remote areas.  In a recent letter to the  editor published in the prestigious New England Journal of  Medicine 2  the Monash team demonstrated that oxytocin ampoules  remained stable when stored for up to seven days on ice, dry ice  If you want to know further information about her research, please visit:

                                                                                           injectable solution. Understanding the heat stability of the powder
                                                reliable determination of oxytocin content in the prepared powder
                                                                               of the oxytocin was degraded after only 2 months under the same
                                                                             was in contrast to the injectable solution where greater than 20%
                                                                                         with a stability profile that significantly improves upon the current
                                                        binary pump LC, incorporating LC-20AD gradient pumps, SIL-20A
                                                                                       development of an inhaled, low cost and needle-free formulation
                                                                           formulations after storage at 50 °C for up to three months. This
                                                                       Shimadzu system, Dr. McIntosh’s team was able to demonstrate
                                                      Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system employing a Prominence
                                                  formulations. To this end, a robust and highly specific assay for
                                                            violet detection system which was validated with high accuracy
                                                                                                      associated with oxytocin use in resource poor settings with the
                                                          HT autosampler, DGU-20A mobile phase degasser and an ultra
                                                              and precision. At this stage, several stability studies have been
                                                                                             formulation has therefore been a significant milestone for the
                                                                 conducted to determine the amount of drug remaining in the
                                                    oxytocin was developed using a  Shimadzu High Performance
                                                                                                 refrigeration is critical to the success of the product. Such an
                                              inhaled product for the project has been the requirement for
                                                                     injectable solution after Using the method developed on the
                                                                         the enhanced stability of the prototype oxytocin dry powder
                                                                   developed dry powder formulations when compared to the
                                            Crucial to the ongoing development and assessment of the
                                                                                     These promising results have been pivotal in advancing the
                                                                                                    innovation has the potential to address current shortfalls
                                                                                               project where the need to eliminate the requirement for
                                          irritation or inflammation within the respiratory tract.
                                                                                                                                     million lives over the next decade. potential to prevent 41 million cases of PPH and save at least 1.4  Parallel to the development of a heat stable dry powder  formulation of oxytocin the Monash team has also focused on  gaining a fundamental understanding on the mechanisms that  govern oxytocin degradation.  To this end, a Shimadzu 8030  triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer coupled to a  LC-30AD/SIL-30AC UHPLC system has been an invaluable tool in  allowing the project to investigate oxytocin stability in greater  The sensitivity and ease-of-use of the Shimadzu 8030 system has  allowed the Monash team to ro
                                  -Saving lives of mothers after childbirths in the third world-
                                                                                 conditions.                                                           depth.

                   Drug Metabolism  The Oxytocin Revolution  A global innovation that has the potential to prevent women in  developing countries from the fatal loss of blood after childbirth  has seen Dr Michelle McIntosh of the Monash Institute of  Pharmaceutical Sciences win The Australian Innovation Challenge  and a $30,000 prize.  The work has drawn favorable reviews  around the world and captured the social values that underpin  Shimadzu’s Corporate Philosophy.  In this article, Dr Michelle  McIntosh and her team describe their efforts to make a significant  contribution to Global Health. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the loss of blood (>500 mL)  following childbirth that, in the absence of preventive measures,  may occur in up to
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