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                                                Dr. Paul Wynne from Shimadzu Australia spoke with Dr. Michelle McIntosh, Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Pharmacy

                                              Dr. Michelle McIntosh of Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

                                  The Third Issue Featuring on Clinical Research
                                                   her work in drug metabolism and disposition. and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science (MIPS) in Melbourne, Australia, about  The Oxytocin Revolution - Saving lives of mothers after childbirths in the third world - Dr Michelle McIntosh of the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and her team describe their efforts to  prevent women in developing countries from Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), the fatal loss of blood after childbirth.  The significance of microscopic mass spectrometry with  high resolution in the visualization of drug distribution The visualization and quantitative analysis of native drug distribution in a pre-clinical or clinical se

                                           Insight from a customer   Drug Metabolism  New Technology  Shimadzu Selection  New Technology  Latest News  premises in Japan.  Latest News  Latest News  New Products New Products  program.


                                                                                           the collaborative research projects mentioned above and show their potential
                                                                                drug effects and to optimize drug design. The issue also includes information
                                                      accuracy and precision customers need. This requirement extends to all fields
                                                                                         develop novel solutions that contribute to society. We are proud to introduce
                                                               In addition, it’s imperative to ensure accuracy, precision, and speed in clinical
                                    various collaborative research projects and technical reports and applications
                                                                              visualizing drug distribution with microscopic mass spectroscopy to evaluate
                                                                                       We believe that collaborating with researchers is the best and fastest way to
                                  I am pleased to present the third issue of Shimadzu Journal, which features
                                                                                                  We will always strive to develop the highest technology and grow together
                                                                                                      customers all over the world, and hope this Journal gives you valuable and
                                                                     Pharmaceutical Sciences, Victoria, Australia. She is working on a project to
                                                                        develop a novel aerosol delivery system for oxytocin that can be inhaled by
                                                                          patients from a simple, disposable device immediately after childbirth. The
                                           cutting-edge technologies to researchers, scientists and engineers in many
                                       from our library. Our brand statement "Excellence in Science" reflects our
                                                    results faster and more efficiently than ever before while maintaining the
                                                  Our analytical and measuring Instruments are always required to achieve
                                                                            other collaboration is with the National Cancer Center in Japan, which is
                                                                   collaborations. One is with Dr. Michelle McIntosh of Monash Institute of
                                                        of research, including environmental, food safety, pharmaceuticals and
                                         mission to offer state-of-the-art solutions incorporating innovative and
                                                                                   on other applicable topics, as well as the latest news and applications.
                                                                                                    with our customers. We wish to be a reliable innovation provider for
                                                                 research, the focus of this issue, which contains information on two
                                                                                                                                      PhD.  UEDA,  surement Instruments Divisio
                                                                                                                              Yours Sincerely,  Teruhisa UEDA, PhD.  T General Manager, Analytical & Measurement Instruments Division
                             Dear Reader,    fields.      diagnostics.                        impact.    beneficial information.            General Manager, Analytical & Meas

                                    Director’s note
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