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                             can minimise this drug toxicity. Our data clearly demonstrate that the
                                  surrounding tissues was quite low compared with PTX alone. These
                                    observations support the low incidence of peripheral neuropathy
                               distribution of rPTX from NK105 in the peripheral nerve and

                                      when PTX is administered as NK105. This is the first report describing the precise distribution of a DDS drug  by MSI, a new technique developed by our lab and others. Notably,  we successfully visualise and quantified the distribution of a  non-radiolabeled and non-chemically modified drug in various frozen  tissue slices microscopically. In addition to PTX, we have successfully  visualised other anticancer agents, including SN-38, epirubicin, and  monomethyl auristatin E (MMAE) (data not shown). This success  indicates that the MALDI-IMS technique can be applied to clinical  biopsy specimens or surgically resected tissues after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. In addition, the data obtained by MALDIIMS can

                                  global distribution of drugs within tissue. However, its application has
                                     been limited for a variety of reasons, including its limited resolution 7,8 .
                                       Recent progress in MALDI-IMS analysis, including the new features of
                                         our instrument, have achieved a MALDI-IMS resolution of 10 µm or
                                Conventional MALDI-IMS was expected to aid in the analysis of the
                                                  image of the same sample. In fact, we were able to distinguish the
                                           less, which is advantageous for evaluating the drug distribution in
                                                resolution also allows an IMS image to be overlaid on an optical
                                             specific cells or areas of interest within tissues 9–12 . The improved
                                                    nerve component from the surrounding tissue and evaluate the

                                                      specific distribution of PTX in the region. Tissue samples should be frozen without liquid solution to avoid the  diffusion or loss of the drug from the tissue to the solution. For  efficient ionisation in the present study, the sample was coated with a  sufficient quantity of matrix by spraying. 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid  (DHB) was selected as the matrix to facilitate the efficient ionization of  the drug. We are now attempting to use several other matrix  materials to enhance the sensitivity of our MALDI-IMS technique.  Moreover, we used a combination of MS and MS/MS for the imaging  analysis. In the MS analysis, accurate quantification of PTX was  demonstrated in vivo. In the MS/MS

                             Discussion                                                 similar m/z.

                                   selected as a PTX-specific fragment peak (Fig. 3c), was observed
                                                                                  optical microscopy (left) and by MS/MS analysis of PTX (m/z 607.19*) (right) in tumours treated with PTX (d) or NK105 (e) at 1 h
                                                                                shown in (b). The fragment pattern from MS/MS analysis of the tumour tissue sample is shown in (c). (d) (e) Images obtained by
                                     at a higher level in the tumour tissue sample at 1 h after PTX
                                                                              (a) The structure of PTX is shown. (b) (c) The PTX-specific MS/MS fragments at m/z 224.06, 547.17, 607.19, and 832.26 are
                                                                                                peripheral neural tissue at 30 min, 1 h, and 24 h after
                                       injection than at 1 h after NK105 injection (Fig. 3d, e).

                                                                                                   administration. The signals surrounding and inside the nerve were  lower after NK105 injection than after PTX injection (Fig. 4b, c).  LC-MS analysis of the neural samples revealed that the  concentration of rPTX after NK105 injection was also lower than
                                                                            Fig. 3. Validation of the PTX and NK105 distribution within the tumour tissues by MS/MS analysis.
                                                                                                           that after PTX injection (Fig. 4d).           (a) Mechanical sensory stress was assayed in an animal model of PTX-induced peripheral neuropathy. NK105, PTX, or saline was  administered at 30 mg/kg on days 0, 2, 4, 7, 9, and 11. **P < 0.01 (PTX vs. NK105), ***P < 0.001 (saline vs. PTX). Bar = SD.   (b) (c) PTX within neuronal tissue was imaged after PTX (b) or NK105 (c) administration at a dose of 50 mg/kg. The upper,  middle, and lower columns show the optical images, a neuronal marker (sphingomyelin-specific signal of 851.6 m/z), and PTX  (specific signal of m/z 892.3 [M + K]+ ), respectively. The neuronal area is delineated by a wh

         global w430×h280    Validation of the PTX and NK105 distribution within tumour  tissue by MS/MS analysis. Validation of the PTX content in each sample was performed in  MS/MS mode. A structural diagram and the MS/MS  fragmentation pattern (FP) of PTX are shown in Fig. 3a and b,  respectively. According to the MS/MS-FP, m/z 607.19, which was   after injection. Bar, 500 µm. Peripheral neurotoxicity and visualisation of the PTX and  NK105 distribution by MS analysis. Next, a mechanical stress test that measured the degree of  peripheral neurotoxicity demonstrated that the mice in the PTX  treatment group exhibited a significantly stronger hypersensitive  reaction to the mechanical stress test than those in the control  and NK105 tre

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