Page 9 - Shimadzu Journal vol.1
P. 9


                                    The high scan speed of GCMS-QP2010 Ultra has the potential of increasing the separation power of the second dimension, that promotes

                                                                                     47.76    47.75
                                          10 Hz (4,000 u/sec)                        47.74    47.73

                                      applicability of high sensitive, user friendly and economical quadrupole mass spectrometer to GC×GC-MS analysis.

                                                                                     47.71    47.72
                                                                     TIC             47.70

                                                                    4000000    3500000    3000000    2500000    2000000    1500000    1000000    500000

                                                                                     47.77    47.76
                                           25 Hz (10,000 u/sec)                      47.75    47.74    47.73

                                                                                     47.71    47.72       ࠓճඞཁແ
                                The 2-dim chromatogram of fatty acids and scan speed
                                The 2-dim chromatogram of fatty acids and scan speed
                                                                     TIC             47.70

                                                                    5000000   4500000   4000000   3500000   3000000   2500000   2000000   1500000   1000000   500000
                                                                                     44.63    44.62
                                          50 Hz (20,000 u/sec)                       44.61    44.60    44.59    44.58

                                                                                     44.56    44.57
                                                                     TIC             44.54

                                                                    7000000    6000000    5000000    4000000    3000000    2000000    1000000
                                                        2dim Image
                       Food safety                                          TIC

                       Food safety                                                                                                                                            9

                                  K.Grob, M. Biedermann, A. Caramaschi, B. Pacciarelli, J. High

                                     Resolut. Chromatogr. 14 (1991) 33-39.  Ch. Droz, K. Grob, Z. Lebensm. Unters. Forsch. 205 (1997) 239-241. M. Biedermann, Y. Uematsu, K. Grob, Packag. Tech. Sci. 24 (2011)  M. Biedermann, K. Grob, Eur. Food Res. Technol. 230 (2010) 785-796.  A. Vollmer, M. Biedermann, F. Grundböck, J.E. Ingenhoff, S.  Biedermann-Brem, W. Altkofer, K. Grob, Eur. Food Res. Technol.  M. Biedermann, K. Grob, J. Chromatogr. A 1255 (2012) 76-99. German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). Stellungnahme  Nr. 008/2010 des BfR vom 03, December, 2009. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee of Food Additives (JECFA)  2002, 59th report, 11-20; WHO Technical report Series 913,  European

                                Reference  [1]  [2]  [3]  61-73.   [4]  [5]  232 (2011) 175-182.   [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  1-185.  1723-1726.   1155-1160.   1898-1903.   (1991) 437-446.   8711-8721.   7476-7480.   100-111.   (2012) 1-7.   221-226.

           global w430×h280     The identification of the specific aromatic compounds, present in  the MOAH “cloud”, was outside the scope of the investigation;  however, even if desired, the identification of such constituents  could not have been performed with satisfactory reliability,  because of the low amounts of such constituents. However, it was  possible to determine the MOAH quantities (FID trace) and  patterns, which are highly important to define the contamination  A series of peaks, present in the MOAH fraction, were identified  as esterified fatty acids. However, their presence did not affect  reliable quantification because these compounds were subtracted  from the total MOAH area. The esterified fatty acids derived from  t

                                               source.         observed.                                         unidentified.
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