Page 5 - Shimadzu Journal vol.1
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The eluted fractions were concentrated to a final volume of 100
                                 µL to increase sensitivity, since large volume injection (LVI) was

                                           2-3. GC×GC-MS/FID analysis GC×GC experiments were performed on a system consisting of  a GC2010 gas chromatograph, and a QP2010 Ultra quadrupole  mass spectrometer (Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan). The primary column, an SLB-5ms 30 m × 0.25 mm ID × 0.25 µm  df [silphenylene polymer, virtually equivalent in polarity to poly   (5% diphenyl/95% methyl siloxane)], was connected to an  uncoated capillary segment (1.0 m × 0.25 mm ID, used to  create a double-loop), and to a 1.0 m × 0.10 mm ID × 0.10 µm  df Supelcowax-10 (polyethylene glycol) segment (Supelco). The  second column was connected through a capillary column  splitter (SGE) to two uncoated capillaries, with these linked to  the FID (0.5 m × 0.1 mm I

                                   not used.                             ID) systems.      375 msec.

                                                 The GC×GC system was coupled alternatively with an MS system,
                                                                     analysis of MOSH and MOAH in various foods.The pre-separation
                                   Biedermann and Grob, who used an MS detector, along with the
                                                                 The present document describes a GC×GC method,characterized
                                          groups was achieved through off-line LC, a process necessary to
                                              MOSH fraction), with alkylated (two- and three-ring) aromatics.
                                        (GC×GC) analysis [26] . A pre-separation of the MOSH and MOAH
                                                       obtain both information types. A GC×GC-MS method, after an
                                            avoid the overlapping of steranes and hopanes (present in the
                                                            Mondello and co-workers, to attain a more expanded view on
                                                                   by dual MS/FID detection, for the qualitative and quantitative
                                      additional information generated by a comprehensive 2D GC
                                                     quantification, and hence, two applications were required to
                                                         off-line LC pre-separation step, has also been exploited by
                               fundamental information on potential toxicity, and on the
                                 contamination source. Such an objective was reached by
                                                              MOSH contamination in homogenized baby foods [27] .
                                                   for qualitative purposes, and with an FID system for
                                                                       step was performed by using Ag-SPE.  2. Experimental    2-1. Samples and chemicals  CH2Cl2 and n-hexane were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Milan,  Italy), and distilled before use. The C7-C40 standard mixture,the  paraffin oil (code 18512), AgNO3, and silica gel 60 (particle size  0.063-0.2 mm, 70-230 mesh) were purchased from Supelco and  Sigma-Aldrich (Milan). Glass SPE cartridges (6 mL glass tubes with  a frit) were purchased from Macherey-Nagel (Chromabond,   Düren, Germany).  2-2. Samples and preparations  Samples of pasta, rice and icing sugar, were purchased in a  supermarket. The ground samples were extracted overnight using  n-hexane, and then purified through

                      Food safety                                                                                                                         (50:50 v/v).       6

                      Food safety                                                                                                                                            5

                                                               compounds was investigated using the mass spectrometric data, and were tentatively-identified as esterified fatty acids, most probably
                                                         dual detection [flame ionization (FID) and mass spectrometric], for the simultaneous identification and quantification of mineral-oil
                                                       The present work is focused on the development/optimization of a comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography method, with
                                                             previously fractionated on a manually-packed silver silica solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridge. The presence of a series of  unknown
                                                           contaminants in a variety of food products. The two main classes of contaminants, namely saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, were
                                                                                                                on-line liquid chromatography-gas chromatography (LC-GC), with
                                                                                            described [11-18] . The lipid fraction can be eliminated either through
                                                                                   Most of the approaches reported over the last decades have been
                                                                                                                         Biedermann and co-workers exploited the separation efficiency of
                                                                                                    have been described; with regards to packing materials, a variety
                                                                                       marker, using both off- and on-line techniques. Off-line methods
                                                                                                                       clear pre-separation of the MOSH from the MOAH. For example,
                                                                                                  cartridge [15-18] . Several techniques, based on the use of glass SPE,
                                                                                                                           an LC silica column, in an on-line LC-GC system, to separate the
                                                                                                                     toxicological relevance of MOAH, work has been directed to the
                                                                                                                  a silica LC column [6,19-23] . Additionally,and in consideration of the
                                                                                                       of solutions have been proposed, such as activated silica gel [16] ,
                                                                                     directed to the analysis of MOSH, exploited as a contamination
                                                                                               [11,12] , or directly through a prep LC silica column [13,14] , or an SPE
                                                                                                                             MOAH from the MOSH, and these from the lipidmatrix [20] . It
                                                                                                            Considering the application of all methods, it can be affirmed
                                                                                              saponification, followed by silica-gel column chromatography
                                                                                         based on prep LC, or solid-phase extraction (SPE), have been
                                                                                                                                  silica-gel SPE cartridge, have been developed for MOSH and
                                                                                                                                must also be noted that off-line SPE methods, using a Ag
                                                                                                              without a doubt, that the most popular technique has been
                                                                                                         non-activated silica gel [17] , or silver (Ag) silica gel [18] .
                                                                                                                                    MOAH determination [24,25] . With regards to detectors, flame ionization (FID) systems have  been widely employed for the reliable quantification of the  humps of unresolved complex mixtures (UCM), generated in  MOSH/MOAH applications; FIDs are useful because they provide  virtually the same response per mass of hydrocarbons, eventhough  the lack of structural information is certainly a major drawback [23] .  In fact, the attainment of profound information on the  composition of MOSH and MOAH constituents, can provide

          global w430×h280        Analysis of MOSH and MOAH using SPE prior to GC×GC-MS analysis  derived from vegetable oil based ink. Keyword:Food, MOSH, MOAH, GC×GC, Comprehensive GC, Quadrupole mass spectrometer  Mineral oil products derive from crude petroleum, through  distillation processes and various refining steps, and contain  proportions of mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH,  including n-alkanes,  isoalkanes and cycloalkanes),  and mineral oil  aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH), mainly consisting of alkylated  polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) [1] . Mineral oil contamination in foods, deriving from a variety of  sources, has been studied for quite a long time [2-4] . One of the  major sources of contamination is paperboard pac

                                             Luigi Mondello 1  Abstract        1. Introduction                                                      lacking.
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