Page 4 - Shimadzu Journal vol.1
P. 4

We interviewed Professor Luigi Mondello of University of Messina in Italy, who has become the leading light in the field
                                                of multidimensional chromatography. Shimadzu has been collaborating with Prof. Mondello and his team since 1996,

                                      The Pioneer of Multidimensional Chromatography

                                                       Shimadzu:  What do you expect from Shimadzu as a partner and does Shimadzu meet your   expectations?  Prof. Mondello:  Without Shimadzu I could not have achieved all of this. I started working with  Shimadzu because of the company’s willingness to revolutionize instrument  technology. In the last ten years Shimadzu has developed entirely new  instrumentation. They did not just remake old instruments. I also like the  Japanese way of solving problems–slowly but with excellent results. We tested,  advised and validated these powerful devices for speed, sensitivity and  selectivity. It has been a very nice and fruitful collaboration. When I first started my collaboration with Shimadzu, f

           global w430×h280  Insight from a customer  Prof. Luigi Mondello   funding and providing instruments to further advance the techniques.  Please let us know the theme and outline of your study, as well as the goal.  Prof. Mondello:  A GC×GC-MS/FID method has been developed for the elucidation of an  important group of lipid compounds in vegetable oil and dairy products, namely  the unsaponifiable matter. The sensitivity and the formation of group-type  patterns were the GC×GC characteristics most exploited in the specific  applications reported. Such a method can certainly be used to assess the quality  (e.g., presence or absence of degradation products) and genuineness (e.g.,  vegetable oil adulteration, presence or absence of p


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