Page 8 - Shimadzu Journal vol.1
P. 8

Fig. 2  GC×GC-MS chromatogram, relative to the pasta MOAH

                                                                               fraction. Identification as reported in Table 2.
                                                                                 FA: fatty acid; DINP: diisopropylnaphthalenes

                                                                                                         database  LRI Fig. 3  GC×GC-MS chromatogram, relative to the icing sugar  1627            MOAH fraction. Identification as reported in Table 2.  1688  1715  1795  1828  1844  1846  1906  1925  1993  2024  2075  2158  2106  2124  2177  2188  2359  2375  2388 Fig. 4  GC×GC-MS chromatogram, relative to the rice MOAH  2475            fraction. Identification as reported in Table 2.  2505  2550  2710  2847  2877  2950

                                                                                                          LRI rice ice sugar  MS%  MS%  1622  95  93  1667  94  93  1703  87  85  1798  82  -  1821  93  94  1846  -  92  1846  96  -  1896  95  -  1929  93  91  1992  94  83  2025  90  90  2085  83  81  2102  83  84  2108  92  -  2130  90  92  2175  -  91  2198  90  93  2302  -  85  2380  -  90  2395  87  88  2477  84  85  2504  83  84  2542  94  93  2697  92  -  2828  -  93  2884  92  -  2968  89  81
                               3-3. GC×GC-MS results for the MOAH fraction The peaks present in the GC×GC chromatograms, for the three  samples, were tentatively-identified on the basis of MS database  similarities (≥ 80%) and in accordance with linear retention  indices (LRI), contained in the same database. Since a  widely-accepted procedure for the calculation of GC×GC LRI  values has not been developed, such data were calculated in a  one-dimensional mode; furthermore, a rather wide LRI filter  window (± 25 units) was applied (to eliminate wrong matches), to  compensate for the retention effects of the polar capillary.The  tentatively identified compounds, along with experimental and  database LRI, are listed in Table 2. Two compounds

                     Food safety                                                                             1  Dioctylether  2  3  Ethyltetradecanoate  4  5  6  7  2-Heptadecanone  8  9  Ethylhexadecanoate  10  11  Abietatriene  12  Octyldodecanoate  13  2-Nonadecanone  14  15  Dodecyloctanoate  16  17  Octyltetradecanoate  18  Tetradecyloctanoate  19  20  21  Octylhexadecanoate  22  23  1-Tetracosanol  24  Squalene  25  1-Hexacosanol  26  27  8

                     Food safety                                                                                                                                             7

                                                (p = 0.03) was established running a t-test, at the 5% significance
                                                                                       group. Specifically, for GC×GC-FID quantification, the “polygonal
                               Asix-point (each point was derived through duplicate applications)
                                              Mandel’s fitting test (Fcalc<Ftab). The significance of the intercept
                                                                            MOSH and the MOAH fractions, relative to pasta, icing sugar and
                                     Kg range. The least squares method was exploited to estimate the
                                          were evaluated through the regression coefficient (0.9993), and a
                                                            approximate estimation of the LoQ was made by considering the
                                       regression line, while the linearity and the goodness of the curve
                                                                                         integration function” was applied, which enabled the definition
                                                                                     MOSH compounds, and the “unknown” peaks from the MOAH
                                                                                                  and subtracted from the total area. Quantification information,
                                                                                                saved as well. Thus, the undesired peaks can be easily selected,
                                            visual inspection of the residual plot, and were confirmed using
                                                     Measurement of the limit of quantification (LoQ), in mineral oil
                                                                              rice, were quantified up to C25 (as required by the envisioned
                                 calibration curve was constructed through the FID trace, using
                                                                                 limit), using the aforementioned method; attention was paid,
                                                              standard deviation (n=3), calculated at the lowest calibration
                                   solutions of paraffin oil in n-hexane, in the 0.35-24 mg/
                                                        analyses, is tightly related to the MW distribution of the
                                                          contaminants, hence on the hump width. However an
                                                                point, multiplied by 10. The LoQ was estimated to be
                                                                                                                                           min  30.000
                                                                                                                               MS (/FID) trace
                                                                                                                   MS-only trace
                                                                   approximately 1.2 mg/Kg.   3-2. Food analysis  during integration, to eliminate the natural alkanes from the   of a polygonal area in which all the integrated peaks are  automatically summed, and the data relative to each peak is   relative to the three foods, is listed in Table 1.  29.975 29.950  MOAH< C25 (mg/Kg)  1.6  1.3  2.2
                                                  level.                                                                                   29.925 Fig. 1  Comparison of raw TIC chromatogram expansions (printing ink analyses), obtained using a GC×GC-MS and a GC×GC-MS/FID system Table 1  Quantification values relative to the MOSH and the MOAH fractions, in samples of pasta, icing sugar, and rice, using Ag-SPE-GC×GC-MS/FID

                                                                                                                                           29.900            MOSH <C25 (mg/Kg)  3.5  8.4  33.8

                                                                                                                                           29.875  29.850    Food  Pasta  Icing sugar  Rice

          global w430×h280     Flow division between the FID and MS units was a compromise  among different necessities, the main one being the attainment of  a satisfactory sensitivity for quantification purposes. Because the  detectors employed operate under different pressure conditions,  the employment of two branches with equal IDs proved to be a  non-ideal choice; the reason was related to the fact that an  excessively long “MS” branch was required to generate an  adequate flow resistance, to divert the majority of the effluent to  the FID. Such a configuration would have led to substantial  differences in the second-dimension elution times, between the  qualitative and quantitative experiments. A good compromise was  found through
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13