Page 7 - Shimadzu LCMS-8045
P. 7

Consistent High-Sensitivity Performance

 Robust Ion Source and Sample Introduction System  Newly Designed Ionization Unit

 Shimadzu's MS interface includes a high-sensitivity heated ESI source,   12,000 plasma samples were injected over 25 days (over 480 samples per   Designed without cables or tubes, removing the new ionization unit is simple: release a one-touch lever to open the unit and lift it out. In addition,
 heated capillary sample introduction, and proprietary ion transfer optics.   day). Picogram levels of alprazolam were analyzed with an RSD of 3.42%.  no tools are needed to detach the needles fitted in APCI and DUIS units, allowing for easy maintenance.
 These design features combine to produce robust MS performance.

 5 ng/mL Alprazolam spiked in protein-crashed human plasma extracts (IS: 5 ng/mL alprazolam-d5)
 m/z 309.15 > 205.1
 Area ratio %RSD = 3.42%
 Area ratio  1

 480 injections/day
 0.5  Column replaced after 7,500 injections
 performed for 25 days

 0  1000  2000  3000  4000  5000  6000  7000  8000  9000  10000  11000  12000
 Number of injections
 LCMS-8045 Instrument Stability Test
 ×10 5  ×10 5  ×10 5  ×10 5
 9.0  9.0  9.0  9.0
 1  injection  5000  injection  10000  injection  12000  injection
 6.0  6.0  6.0  6.0
 3.0  3.0  3.0  3.0
 0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
 0.8  0.9  1  1.1  1.2  1.3  1.4  0.8  0.9  1  1.1  1.2  1.3  1.4  0.8  0.9  1  1.1  1.2  1.3  1.4  0.8  0.9  1  1.1  1.2  1.3  1.4  Easy System Maintenance Reduces Downtime
 min  min  min  min
 MRM Chromatograms of Alprazolam  As with Shimadzu’s other triple quad systems, maintaining the LCMS-8045 is simple. Replacing the desolvation line (DL) and ESI capillary is quick and
            easy. Additionally, the design allows users to replace the DL without breaking vacuum, providing greater uptime and usability.

 Instrument Detection Limits: IDL  Steps for DL Replacement
 IDL is one measure of sensitivity for analytical instrumentation. The chromatograms below show the IDL for Reserpine and Chloramphenicol, obtained
 using ESI  and ESI , respectively. The IDL for Reserpine is 2.03 femtograms and 2.09 femtograms for Chloramphenicol.  2
 (×100)  (×100)
 ESI  (Reserpine)  ESI  (Chloramphenicol)                       3
 Mass on column 10 fg  1.50  Mass on column 10 fg                                         DL (Desolvation Line)
 3.5  IDL = 2.03 fg  Area %RSD = 7.21  IDL = 2.09 fg  Area %RSD = 7.40
 n = 10 injections  1.25  n = 10 injections
                      Steps for ESI Capillary Replacement
 2.5  1.00
 2.0  0.75
 1.5  2 fg on-column                                      3
 0.50  2 fg on-column     1
 0.25                                                    2
 0.0  0.00                                                                                      ESI Capillary
 0.0  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  min  0.00  0.25  0.50  min

 6                                                                                           Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12