Page 3 - Shimadzu LCMS-8045
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LCMS-8045  Heated ESI Probe  Ionization Unit  UFsweeper II Collision Cell

 High-temperature gas supplements the   Designed without cables or   The UFsweeper II is a high-sensitivity,
               tubes; utilize a one-touch lever
 —Best-in-class sensitivity  nebulizer gas, improving desolvation efficiency.   to perform simple attachment   high-speed collision cell that features
                                            improved ion focusing by using high-speed ion
 This facilitates the ionization of a wide range
 of compounds.  and detachment of the unit.  transport technology. This yields better
                                            product ion transmission in the collision cell,   Ultrafast
                                            maintaining signal intensity and suppressing   Pulse-Counting
                                            crosstalk, even for high-speed or simultaneous   Detector
 Accomplishes Both High Sensitivity and   Ultrafast  DL (Desolvation Line)   multi-component analysis. The capability for
 Ultra-High-Speed Detection  High-Voltage  Perform maintenance without   high-throughput analysis is thus maintained at   Makes ultrafast sampling and
                                                                                    polarity switching possible.
                                            lower levels of detection.
 Equipped with a heated ESI probe, the LCMS-8045 has the highest*   Power Supply for  breaking vacuum.
 sensitivity in its class. The instrument is capable of providing accurate   Polarity Switching
 and stable data over long periods of time. The inclusion of Shimadzu's
 ultra-high-speed high-voltage power supply enables the world's fastest*
 scan speed (30,000 u/s) and polarity switching time (5 ms). High-speed
 acquisition benefits the laboratory by reducing run times for increased
 throughput, and also shortens method development time.
 * As of August 2016, according to a Shimadzu survey

 Superior Robustness Assures That High Sensitivity
 Is Maintained Over the Long Term
 The LCMS-8045 was designed to be robust. The heated ESI probe,
 high-temperature heating block, heated desolvation line, drying gas, and
 focusing optics all act to maximize sensitivity and minimize
 contamination. This means long periods of continuous operation in the
 laboratory with reliable data collection, even with complex biological
 fluids or food samples.

 LabSolutions LCMS Software and
 Wide-Ranging Method Packages
 LabSolutions LCMS features an intuitive user interface, and offers the
 latest features designed to enhance laboratory productivity and
 streamline workflows. Numerous pre-configured MRM method packages   Qarray  UF-Lens  Quadrupole Rod
 are available. Predetermined LC separation conditions and MRM   Patented Qarray ion guide   Combines two multi-pole RF ion   A high-performance hyperbolic mass filter
 parameters allow analysis to be started without long hours of method   is designed to effectively   guides to achieve efficient ion   with a proven track record in LC/MS, it
 development, enhancing the efficiency of your laboratory.  focus ions over a wide m/z   transport and high sensitivity.  maintains high ion transmittance and high
               range by overlapping                                    sensitivity, even at a high-speed scanning
               multiple electric fields.                               rate of 30,000 u/sec.
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