Page 5 - Shimadzu LCMS-8045
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High Performance for a Variety of Applications

 Veterinary Drugs  Water Quality Analysis

 Nitrofuran metabolites in fish  High-sensitivity analysis of 21 pharmaceuticals and personal care products in less than eight minutes
 Nitrofurans are a class of synthetic antibiotics. The use of nitrofurans for   results ranging from 0.05 to 20 ng/mL were obtained. The LCMS-8045 is   Pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs) encompass a family of   become a significant threat to our water supply. The LCMS-8045 is
 edible animal and fishery products is banned in many countries. The   shown to be an excellent platform for routine high-sensitivity analysis in   compounds used by individuals for health and cosmetic purposes. As   capable of trace-level quantitation of many PPCPs without extensive
 chromatogram below shows the recovery of nitrofuran metabolites from   challenging matrices.  populations increase, and the use of these products increases, PPCPs will   sample preparation.
 fish using the LCMS-8045. Excellent linearity and accurate quantitative
                                                        The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) for 21 PPCPs
 (×10 5 )     (×10 5 )
 1.50  AMOZ  AMOZ  335.15 > 291.10(+) (×1.00)  Calibration range, accuracy and limit of detection (LOD)  3.5  9  No.  Compound  LOD  LOQ  No.  Compound  LOD  LOQ  No.  Compound  LOD  LOQ
 209.05 > 166.10(+) (×20.0)
 AHD   249.00 > 134.05(+) (×20.0)   18                    (ng/mL) (ng/mL)        (ng/mL) (ng/mL)       (ng/mL) (ng/mL)
 1.25  AOZ   236.10 > 134.00(+) (×5.00)  Compound  Calibration range  Accuracy  LOD  3.0  2  1  Lincomycin  0.01  0.04  8  Metoprolol  0.013  0.04  15  Clarithromycin 0.0034  0.01
 SEM  (ng/mL)  (%)  (ng/mL)  1  12  16
 1.00  AHD  2.5     3 4  8         15  19      2  Trimethoprim  0.01  0.04  9  Dicorantil  0.005  0.015  16  Roxithromycin 0.0071  0.022
 AMOZ  0.05 – 20  94.5 – 103.8  0.00024  2.0
 0.75  AOZ                        13  17  21   3  Pirenzepine  0.01  0.03  10  Sulfamethoxazole 0.003  0.01  17  Carbamazepine 0.01  0.03
 SEM  0.05 – 20  93.2 – 111.6  0.015  1.5  5 7
 0.50                6     10          20      4  Ofloxacin  0.01  0.03  11  Antipyrine  0.01  0.03  18  DEET  0.0062  0.018
 AHD  0.05 – 20  95.5 – 102.1  0.001  1.0  11  5  Ciprofloxacin  0.002  0.006  12  Ifenprodil  0.0075  0.022  19  Crotamiton  0.005  0.015
 0.25                            14
 AOZ  0.05 – 20  94.0 – 108.4  0.00096  0.5    6  Sulphapyridine  0.002  0.006  13  Erythromycin  0.015  0.045  20  Bezafibrate  0.0025  0.075
            0.0                                7  Carbazochrome  0.015  0.045  14  Azithromycin  0.01  0.03  21  Triclocarban  0.01  0.03
 0.50  0.75  1.00  1.25  1.50  1.75  2.00  2.25  min  * Limit of detection (LOD) was calculated at signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) = 3.
              0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0 min
 MRM chromatogram of nitrofuran metabolites                            * Limit of detection (LOD) was calculated at signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) = 3.
 spiked in fish (0.5ng/mL)  MRM chromatograms of 21 PPCPs (1.0 ng/mL)   Limit of quantitation (LOQ) was calculated at S/N = 10.
 Residual Pesticides  Bioanalysis
 Simultaneous analysis of residual pesticides in herbal supplements   High-sensitivity quantitation of Amlodipine in plasma
 Regulatory agencies worldwide provide oversight for an extensive and   interferences, but the LCMS-8045 provides enough sensitivity to analyze   Amlodipine is widely utilized for the treatment of high blood pressure and   achieved. Both interday and intraday variabilities were assessed for quality
 ever-increasing list of pesticides in order to promote food safety and   most pesticides at the trace level of 10 parts per billion. Many pesticides   angina. A high-sensitivity method for the quantitation of amlodipine in   control samples. Percent RSD (Relative Standard Deviation) results were
 protect public health. The MRM chromatogram below shows the   methods also benefit from polarity switching, which the LCMS-8045 can   human plasma using LCMS-8045 has been developed. Appropriate   less than 5%.
 simultaneous analysis of 153 pesticides spiked into Codonopsis pilosula at   accomplish in just 5 msec.  linearity ranging from 0.003 to 300 ng/mL with excellent accuracy was
 0.01 mg/kg. Plant matrices can be very challenging due to background
                                                                          Quantitative results of Amlodipine
 (×10 6 )              25  0.003 ng/mL – 300 ng/mL
 4.5                      r 2  > 0.9994                             Lv    Actual conc.  Calculated Conc.  Accuracy
 4.0                   20  11 levels                                       (ng/mL)   (ng/mL)     (%)
 3.5                                                                1      0.003      0.003     104.5
 3.0                   15                                           2       0.01      0.01       97.2
 2.5                  Area ratio
 2.0                   10                                           3       0.03      0.031      103
 1.5                                                                4       0.1       0.107     107.1
 1.0                    5                                           5       0.3       0.268      89.4
 0.5                                                                6        1        1.062     106.2
                        0                                           7        3        2.958      98.6
 0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0  11.0  12.0  13.0  14.0  15.0  min  0  50  100  150  200  250  300 Conc
                                                                    8       10        10.293    102.9
 153 regulated pesticides spiked into Codonopsis pilosula at 10 parts per billion  Calibration curve of Amlodipine
                                                                    9       30        27.37      91.2
                                                                    10      100       98.722     98.7
 Use Synchronized Survey Scan (SSS) to obtain both qualitative and   (×10 6 )   Inten.  750  11  300  303.619  101.2
 1.0  100                 S/N = 10
 quantitative information from a single injection. Full scan MS  spectra will   (Peak to peak)  0.003 ng/mL
                                      (Matrix matched calibration sample)
 be obtained when an MRM peak intensity threshold is exceeded.           Interday and intraday variations of
 0.002 mg/kg  0.5  50  500                                               Amlodipine spiked in human plasma
                                                                             Concentration      accuracy
 0.0  0                                                             QC sample           %RSD      (%)
 Type  Event#  +/−  Compound Name m/z  Time (0.000 min – 15.939 min)  5.0  6.0  min  50  100  150  200  250 m/z  (ng/mL)
 MRM  63  +  Metalaxy 280.10>220.20, 2  (×10 6 )   Inten.  250  Blank
    Product Ion Scan  64  +   > CE: −18.0, 50.00:300.00  100       Interday  Low  0.1    3.78   97.8–109.1
 MRM  65  +  Atrazine 216.10>174.05, 2  4.0
    Product Ion Scan  66  +   > CE: −20.0, 50.00:250.00           Variation Medium  5    3.16   90.0–95.4
 MRM  67  +  Fensulfothoin-sulfone 324  3.0                        (n = 6)
    Product Ion Scan  68  +   > CE: −28.0, 50.00:350.00                  High   240      0.85   95.9–97.6
 MRM  69  +  N-desethly-pirimiphos-me  0.01 mg/kg  2.0  50  0.0
    Product Ion Scan  70  +   > CE: −25.0, 50.00:300.00  min       Intraday  Low  0.1    4.5    87.5–110.3
 1.0                          1.0      1.5      2.0               Variation Medium  5    4.92   88.1–102.9
 Method settings and Synchronized Survey Scan results for Metalaxyl  MRM chromatogram of Amlodipine at the lower limit of quantitation
 0.0  0                                                            (n = 18)  High  240   4.25   88.3–104.0
 5.0  6.0  min  50  100  150  200  250  m/z  Black: Blank, Pink: Matrix matched calibration sample (0.003 ng/mL)
 4                                                                                           Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10