Page 7 - Shimadzu inspeXioSMX-225CT FPD HRPlus
P. 7

HPCinspeXio High-Performance Computing System ver. 3.0

               The  HPCinspeXio  high-performance computing system  is around  50  times  faster* than the  previous

               * When the fast acquisition mode is configured and the CT slice size is set to 1,024 × 1,024 pixels

                                             10 sec or less

                                   Data acquisition               Display
               HPCinspeXio ver. 3.0                                data
                                                                     About 50 times faster
                                   Data acquisition
               HPCinspeXio                                                              Display
                                       Calculation                            Save / load  data
                                                                         540 sec
                                                                       About 600 times faster

               Without HPCinspeXio  Data acquisition            Calculation              Save / load  Display
                                                                              6000 sec

               Advanced 3D Image Reconstruction

               It is possible to enlarge only the focused areas in
               images once acquired and perform the reconstruc-
               tion calculation. High-magni cation cross-section-
               al images can be obtained even in the works that
               enlargement ratio is dif cult to be improved.
                 Equipped with a high-resolution at panel
               detector, clear cross-sectional images can be
               obtained even when performing reconstruction. It
               is not necessary to perform the CT scanning once
               again when performing reconstruction only.

                Reconstruction   Enlarged   Enlarged   Time
                CT data of the   reconstruction  reconstruction
               entire field of view   CT data of    CT data of   Data capacity
                          focused area 1  focused area 2
                 Both reconstruction calculation time
                  and data capacity can be reduced.

                     Ultra-high resolution reconstruction CT data
                           of the entire field of view

                                                                      : Selectable area with traditional software

                                                                      : Selectable area with new software

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