Page 10 - Shimadzu inspeXioSMX-225CT FPD HRPlus
P. 10


                     Unique Functions

                       Extended Filament Lifetime                    DICOM Conversion Function
                       The expected lifetime of  lament is extended by 2.5   CT Image data can be converted to the DICOM
                       times by automatically adjusting the current value.  format, which is the world standard for medical
                                                                     imaging. Consequently, this function is essential for
                                                                     analyzing data with medical image analysis software.
                       Acquisition Mode Switching Function
                                                                     • This feature is not guaranteed to function properly with all DICOM compatible
                       Long or short scan times can be speci ed by combin-  software.
                       ing acquisition mode and exposure time settings.  • CT image brightness values are indicated in 16-bit grayscale, which do not match
                                                                      Hounsfield values. A function is provided for converting CT image brightness values
                                                                      via manual input.
                       Anti-Pinch Prevention Mechanism
                       A  nger-pinch prevention mechanism is provided to   Collision Sensor
                       prevent accidents when closing the sliding door.  Collision sensors are
                                                                     provided around the            Collision sensor
                                                                     X-ray tube to stop the CT
                       Door Interlock Mechanisms                     stage in the event of an
                       The sliding door is equipped with redundant   emergency (a collision
                       interlock circuits. These ensure X-rays are never   with the sample). The
                       emitted when the sliding door is open. In addition,   collision sensor window
                       these stop the CT stage from moving when the   can be opened or closed
                       sliding door is open.                         depending on the magni cation rate.

                        CR Scan
                       Computed radiography (CR) can
                       be used to obtain transmission
                       images without distortion in the
                       CT-Z direction by acquiring data
                       only along the vertical center line
                       of the X-ray detector while
                       moving the CT-Z axis vertically.

                     Improved sharpness with Edge Emaphasis Filters

                     Added an image  lter that makes it sharper. Since it can be selected by Post Reconstruction, it can also
                     be applied to collected data.

                                     Edge Emaphasis OFF                         Edge Emaphasis ON

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