Page 13 - Shimadzu inspeXioSMX-225CT FPD HRPlus
P. 13

               3D Measurement Software

               This 3D image processing software performs
               coordinate measurements using voxel data
               obtained with CT scans. The package can perform
               measurements not only with voxel data, but with
               collections of points, meshes, and CAD data.
               Specially designed for coordinate measurements,
               the package is easier to use than general-purpose
               3D image processing software.

                                                                       (Volume Graphics GmbH)

               VGSTUDIO MAX
                + Coordinate Measurement Module
               3D Image Processing Software
               This software uses volume rendering to display
               3D images from voxel data obtained using CT
               imaging. Adding the coordinate measurement
               module enables coordinate measurements in the
               same way as with VGMetrology.

                                                                       (Volume Graphics GmbH)


               Polygon editing software

               POLYGONALmeister  is a  polygon editing  software  for  editing  surface
               measurement  data.  It  solves  issues  such  as  noise  and  artifacts  as  well as
               reducing data size. It is especially suitable when using measurement data in
               design, analysis, 3D printing, etc.
                                                                                     (UEL Corporation)

                                Image processing software      POLYGONALmeister
                                                                                               3D Printing
                                 Observation / measurement   Modi cation of polygon data
                                 Output polygon data (stl)   Data reduction
                                                             Correction of artifacts           Design /

                Fix dents etc.          Extract necessary parts  Simplify porous material
                                                                 within tolerance
                                                                                             This software
                                                                                             makes use of
                                                                                             the results of
                                                                                             an integrated
                                                                                             program with
                  Before      After       Before      After      Before     After            RIKEN
                                                                 1.4 GB  51 MB (3.67%)

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