Page 15 - Shimadzu UH-X-FX Series
P. 15

Select from 5 Software Modules Depending on Application

                                                                 Single Software
                                                                This software is used to perform typical single-direction tests. It
                                                                enables performing tensile, compression, and bending testing.

             TRAPEZIUM X offers five software modules – single, cycle, control,
             concrete, and recorder.
             These can be purchased in combinations as needed for customer
             testing requirements. If more than one is purchased, one-touch
             switching between modules avoids having to launch each program

              Cycle Software                                     Control Software
            This software enables performing endurance testing and other tests   This software enables freely creating a user-specified testing machine
            that involve repeated application of test forces.   movement routine. It allows configuring complicated combinations of
                                                                tensile, compression, and holding steps.

              Concrete Software                                  Recorder Software
            The software is used for testing concrete (compression, bending, and   Tests are controlled using a UH-X measuring controller and this
            cleavage testing). It enables performing tests compliant with JIS   software is used to acquire data, display graphs, and process data.
            A1108, JIS A1106, and JIS A1113 standards.          This software is used in cases such as when using the load control
                                                                knobs on the measuring controller to manually perform tests.

                                                                                              UH-X/FX Series
                                                                                              Hydraulic Universal Testing Machines  15
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20