Page 10 - Shimadzu UH-X-FX Series
P. 10

The Touch-Screen Enables Intuitive Operation

              Large Character Display           S–S Curve Display                 Testing Machine Operating

            The large-sized test force/stroke data display   During a test, an S–S curve is displayed in   Status/Test Parameters Display
            can be easily read. The display can be   real time.                  Since the testing machine's operating status
            switched to the stress value display mode or                         and test parameters can be checked at a
            displacement value display mode with a                               glance, an erroneous setting or operation
            touch of a button.                                                   can be prevented.

              Test Parameters Menu Screen                        File Operation Screen
            The testing machine's functions can be visibly operated with the icon   The test parameters changeover operation can be simplified by
            buttons. This can prevent erroneous operation, and improve test efficiency.  storing test parameters in a file of each test type.

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