Page 5 - Shimadzu UH-X-FX Series
P. 5

Rangeless Data                                      Key Switch
            Measurement                     UH-X     UH-FX      Included Standard               UH-X    U H-FX
            Test force and strain can be measured without having to specify an   A key switch is provided standard to ensure
            amplifier range. This means data can be acquired using optimal   security is properly controlled.
            measurement parameters, even for specimens with unknown
            strength. In addition, since the analog indicator and output to the
            data recorder have a virtual range, evaluation is possible in the same
            manner as before.

            USB Memory Enables Performing Tests Without
            Connecting to a Computer             *                                              UH-X    U H-FX
            By inserting a USB memory stick into the measurement controller with test parameters stored
            in the USB memory, tests can be performed without a computer. Furthermore, measurement
            data is automatically saved in the USB memory after tests, which enables analyzing the data
            with TRAPEZIUM X or using it to create reports.
            * Requires TRAPEZIUM X.

            Crosshead Elevating Switch Box (optional) Provides

            Finger-Tip Control                                                                  UH-X    U H-FX
            Using the crosshead elevating switch box allows positioning the crosshead without looking away from the testing space.

            Environmentally Friendly Design Saves Energy and

            Hydraulic Oil

            Hybrid Hydraulic Unit Reduces Power Consumption by 82 %
            (with model UH-500kNXh)                                                             U H-X   UH-FX
                                                                                                U H-X
            A hybrid hydraulic unit combines an AC servo motor with a hydraulic
            pump so that the pump only operates when necessary. This provides
                                                                             This product is certified as Shimadzu's Eco-Products Plus.
            an energy-efficient testing machine and reduces its environmental   Reduced power consumption by 82% compared with
            impact.                                                          conventional Shimadzu's products.

                                                                Requires up to 50 %
            Quieter Hydraulic Unit                   UH-FX      Less Hydraulic Oil             UH-X     UH-FX
                                                                                                UH- X
            The sound level of the hydraulic unit for the grips was reduced by   For model UH-F500kNXh, the amount of hydraulic oil required has
            over 10 dB, from 75 dB to 65 dB, compared to the previous model.  been cut in half, from 80 to 40 liters.

                                                                                              UH-X/FX Series
                                                                                              Hydraulic Universal Testing Machines  5
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