Page 10 - Shimadzu PDA-8000
P. 10

Intuitive Software PDA-R

            Total support for control and management of the instrument with an intuitive interface

            Fusion of Hardware and Software

            From control and diagnosis to maintenance—reliable instrument management with software integrated with the hardware.

               The operating time of each   The software supports complete     Instrument status displayed in real-time,
               part is controlled by each unit,   maintenance management for stable use of   down to the details.
               so there is no problem when   the instrument.                   • Instrument control  • Monochromator
               replacing PCs. Of course, they   • Lens cleaning procedure • Pump oil replacement     system     temperature and pressure
               can be easily checked with the   • Electrode replacement  • Entrance slit adjustment  • Excitation unit  • Vacuum meter
               software.                 • Emission table cleaning • Lamp replacement  • Photometer  • Temperature adjustment

                                          When maintenance is required…              When troubles occur
                                               The software notifies you              The software warns you

                                                    And also...                           And also...

                                   Maintenance procedures are also supported. The instructions  Abnormalities are automatically diagnosed
                                    on the support screen provide guidance on the operations.  and remedial measures are displayed.

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