Page 11 - Shimadzu PDA-8000
P. 11

The Pursuit of Greater Ease-of-Use, Based on Reliability

            A sophisticated, operator-friendly design has been developed utilizing our cumulative emission spectrometry experience.

                   Plots can be set for each sample, with more intuitive and easy-to-understand operation

                 Working curve setting screen
                                                           Working curve plot setting screen
                                                                                          Before correction

                                                                                          100 % correction

                                                                                       Matrix element correction

                                                                                       Plots can be distinguished for
                                                                                       each sample type to visually
                                                                                       check the correction status of
                   Wide variety of display patterns                                    the working curves.
                   for analysis data

                 Analysis data
                 control diagrams

                                                                                 Display pattern setting

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