Page 13 - Shimadzu PDA-7000
P. 13


 Extensive options are available to handle a variety of analyses.

 Electrode-cleaning Unit  Factory Calibration (FC)

 To enhance long-term stability, the optional electrode-cleaning unit keeps the counter electrode
 clean by brushing away adhering sample deposits. The attached sample retainer mechanism   Internal calibration curves (Note 1)
 allows anyone to set samples under identical conditions.   sample retainer   Type  Steel : 10 types  FC  Low-alloy steel   211-53955-01
                                                 Austenitic stainless steels
                                              FC  Ferrite stainless steels              211-53955-03
                                              FC  Low-alloy cast iron                   211-53955-04
                                              FC  Free-cutting steels                   211-53955-05
                                              FC  High-manganese steels                 211-53955-06
                                              FC  High-speed tool steels                211-53955-07
                                              FC  High-alloy cast iron                  211-53955-08
                                              FC  Ni-resist cast iron                   211-53955-09
                                              GC Steel                                  (Note 2)
            Note 1: Must be ordered with the instrument.  Note 2: The following two items are required for GC steel:
                                               1. Global Calibration (GC), steel (P/N: 211-53953)
                                               2. 31 for global standardization (P/N: 210-00004-31)
             Type    Aluminum alloy : 6 types  Low-alloy Al    Al – Cu
 Electrode  Brush                             Al – Si          Al – Zn
                                              Al – Si – Cu     Al – Mg
 Sample cleaning unit  Type  Copper alloy : 8 types  FC  Bronze                         211-53956-01
                                              FC  Gun Metal                             211-53956-02
 Stand Water-cooling Kit (P/N: 211-74666-92)  FC  Aluminum Bronze                       211-53956-03
                                              FC  Brass                                 211-53956-04
 Enhances the stability of the measured values by restricting the spark stand temperature rise due to electrical discharge during
                                              FC  Silicon Brass                         211-53956-05
 continuous analysis.                         FC  Pure Copper                           211-53956-06
                                              FC  Nickel Silver                         211-53956-07
                                              FC  Capro Nickel                          211-53956-08
 Small-sample Analysis Kit (P/N: 211-74665-**)  Consult your Shimadzu representative about other metals.
 Handles samples between 3 mm and 12 mm in diameter.

 Sample diameter  3mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-93
 4mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-96
 5mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-94
 6mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-95
 7mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-91
 8mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-97
 9mmø,or more P/N S211-74665-92

 Pin sample
 Pin Sample Holder (P/N: 211-74594)
 Handles wire and bolt samples
 between 0.6 mm and 12 mm in diameter.
 Pin sample holder

                                                                                               PDA-7000 Series
 12                                                                                                Optical Emission Spectrometer  13
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16