Page 15 - Shimadzu Nexera XS inert
P. 15

Quickest Way to Results

 Automates Development of Analytical Conditions  Unique Functionality Reduces Data Analysis Work

 Method Scouting  i-PeakFinder ™

 The process of considering which analytical conditions to specify for LC separation requires evaluating a huge number of   The process of identifying peaks obscured by baseline undulations or noise, identifying shoulder peaks with inade-
 possible combinations of columns, mobile phases, column temperatures, and other factors, which can be taxing on   quate separation, and so on, can be very tedious and produce results that vary depending on skill level. Shimadzu's
 analytical personnel. The Nexera method scouting system offers functionality for automatically switching between multiple   unique i-PeakFinder peak integration algorithm is perfect for accurately detecting peaks in troublesome chromatograms.
 mobile phase conditions and columns for analysis. Consequently, it can be used to develop methods more efficiently by
 automating the process of optimizing mobile phase pH, salt concentration, or other analytical condition settings.
                            Baseline Processing = No Setting       Baseline Processing = Vertical Division

 Previous Method              Aggregate  Monomer  Fragments            Aggregate  Monomer  Fragments

 Create method  Create schedule  Acquire data  Analyze data

 A method must be created for each combination of
 column and mobile phase. Creating this large number
 of methods is labor-intensive.
 The operation is complicated because a large
 amount of data is manually combined into
 Column 3
 one report.             12.0      14.0     16.0    min           12.0      14.0      16.0   min
 Column 1
 Column 5
 Column 6
 Column 2
 Column 4
 Method Scouting System + LabSolutions MD
 Set conditions  Create schedule  Acquire data  Analyze data
 Methods are automatically created   Carefully Selected Functionality for Supporting Data Analysis
 with different combinations of
 columns, mobile phases, etc.
 Templates are output  Print out  LabSolutions Insight  Software for LC/MS Data Analysis
 after being auto-  as a 1-page
 Column 4
 Column 6
 Column 5
 Column 3
 Column 1
 Column 2
 matically filled with  report.
 analytical results.  This dedicated LC/MS analysis software features functionality that provides powerful support for multiple-component
               and multi-sample data analysis, such as functionality for flagging, filtering, and peak comparison.
 pH 5.7
 85%  A
 10%  B  pH 6.0
 5%  C  0
 0% D  Solvent  pH 6.3
 delivery unit 1
 A  Mixer  2
 20%  pH 6.6
 Y  0
 5%  C
 25%  D  Solvent  pH 6.9
 delivery unit 2
 Solvent Blending  Binary Gradient  2
 pH 7.2
 Mobile phases prepared   Gradient analysis   0
 automatically at each pump  with mobile phases  0.0  2.5  5.0  7.5  min
 14                                                                                                               15
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16