Page 12 - Shimadzu Nexera UC - Nexera UC Prep
P. 12


                     Prep Solution enables a seamless preparative workflow

                     Prep Solution, ensures that it is simple to scale up from an analytical to a preparative workflow, and makes it easy to
                     configure parameter settings. It greatly increases the efficiency of preparative workflows.

                         Easy to understand even for  rst-time users                                                                        Easily isolate the target peaks
                     The parameter settings in Prep Solution are concise and intuitive, so that all users can operate the system with minimal   In case of peak shapes that are different from predictions or other unexpected situations, it is possible to change the
                     training. This also avoids the risk of wasting samples due to human error.                                         preparative parameter settings while viewing the chromatogram. This eliminates the time and hassle involved in changing
                                                                                                                                        parameters and reanalyzing samples later on, as well as preventing the waste of valuable samples.

                         1  Single analysis (peak check)                         2  Simulation                                                     3  Fractionation                   4  Adjust parameters during fractionation

                     A trial analysis, or scouting run, prior to fractionation   The chromatogram obtained from the single analysis can   Samples are fractionated based on the user-selected   Parameter settings for fractionation and injection can be
                     confirms component peak shapes and retention times.   be displayed in the simulation window, so that the            parameters. The fraction range is displayed on the   adjusted during stacked injection (“on-the-fly” function).
                     Analysis can be started by simply inputting basic   collection start and stop times for each fraction can be       chromatogram, which can be checked in real time.
                     parameters in the three onscreen tabs.        selected with just a few mouse clicks. These settings can be
                                                                   applied to methods automatically.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          The fractionation range is
                                                                                                                                                                                                          displayed on the chromatogram.

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Parameters currently being
                                                                                                                                                                                                          applied to fractionation are
                                                                                       Parameter settings                                                                                                 displayed here. Settings for
                                                                                       Input parameters for injection,                                                                                    modifier concentration and
                                                                                       fractionation, etc.                                                                                                stacked injection parameters
                                                                                                                                                                                                          (injection volume, number and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          interval) can be changed while
                                                                                                                                                                                                          viewing the chromatogram.
                                                                                       Simulation window                                                                                                  Fractionation time range and
                                                                                       Simulations reflecting various                                                                                      threshold values can be changed
                                                                                       parameter settings can be                                                                                          mid-analysis. In addition to a
                                                                                       displayed, or peaks from the                                                                                       fractionation mode for target
                                                                                       window can be selected to apply                                                                                    peaks, there is a mode for
                                          Stacked Fraction System                      their parameter settings to a new                                      Stacked Fraction System                     fractionation of “waste” intervals
                     Tabs to switch windows                                            analysis.                                                                                                          between peaks.
                     Toggle between windows                                                                                                                                         For the Multi-Fraction System,
                     with a single click                                                                                                                                            fraction collector racks are displayed here,
                                                                                                                                                                                    with different display colors depending on the
                                                                                                                                                                                    current status (fractionation complete / in
                                          The fractionation method can be selected from four options (manual                                                                        progress / not started).
                                          fractionation, time fractionation, peak integration fractionation
                                          with/without time program) depending on the purpose of the analysis.
                                          Using the “peak integration mode”, it is possible to assign individual
                                          slope and level values for fractionation start and end points, even for
                                          tailing peaks or other asymmetrical peaks.

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