Page 6 - Shimadzu Microservo MMT Series
P. 6

Applicable Test Devices

             Tensile Test Jig         Drill Chuck Grip         Key Pressing Test Jig    Compression Test Jig
             Test force: 100 N        Test force: 100 N        Test force: 100 N        Test force: 100 N
             Specimen shape: Round bar (ø4)  Specimen shape: Round bar (ø0.5  Punch tip radius: ø3  Lower platen: ø110 mm
             or                       to 3 mm)                 Punch material: Rubber   Upper platen: ø30 mm
             flat plate (1 mm thickness × 5 mm  or              Specimen:                * Various compression testing jigs,
             width maximum)           flat plate (1 mm thickness × 4 mm  Mobile phones, keyboards  including tooth type, spherical type
                                      width maximum)                                    and those for key pressing tests, are

             3-Point Bending Test Jig  4-Point Bending Test Jig  Thermostatic Chamber   Constant Temperature Water
                                                                                        Immersion Test Equipment
             Test force: 100 N        Test force: 100 N        Temperature range: Room
             Punch tip radius × width: R2 × 60mm  Punch tip radius × width: R2 × 60 mm  temperature + 10 to 300°C
                                                                                        Temperature range: Room
             Support roller radius × width:  Punch span: 20 to 60 mm
                                                                                        temperature + 10 to 50°C
             R2 × 60 mm               Support roller radius × width:
             Support spacing: 20 to 100 mm  R2 × 60 mm
                                      Support spacing: 20 to 100 mm

             Microscope               Excitation Table         Card Insertion Test Jig  X-Y Stage
                                                                                        Distance: ± 12.5 mm

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