Page 5 - Shimadzu Microservo MMT Series
P. 5


                                                       Electrical Parts
                                                       Endurance testing and
                                                       Endurance testing and
                                                    vibration testing of connectors,
                                                    vibration testing of connectors,
                                                       switches, and sensors
                                                       switches, and sensors
                                Mobile Phones
                                                                            Lead-Free Solder
                                 Board bending tests
                                                                                Tensile tests
                                  Key pressing tests
                                                                              Shear fatigue tests
                               Liquid crystal compression
                   Electronic Parts
                  Bonding wire tensile tests
                   IC chip shearing tests
                                                                                             Tensile testing
                     Lead pull tests
                                                                                         Materials evaluation at very
                     Vibration tests
                                                                                            low temperatures
                                        Evaluation of Physical Properties,
                                        Endurance and Fatigue Strength
              Various Standards
           Robustness of terminations and integral
                                                            for                          Tensile testing of carbon fibers, glass
            mounting devices (IEC 60068-2-21)
                                                                                             fibers and aramid fibers
              Endurance testing of IC cards
                   (JIS X6305)
                                         Selection of the right materials for
                                         optimized design, Examination of the best
                                         structure, Cost reduction, Improving the
                   Medical and
                                         reliability of products, Development of
                 Dental Materials
                                         environmentally friendly products, . . . etc.
                  Artificial blood vessels
                                                                                          High temperature bending
             Endurance testing of teeth and bones

                       Medical Products                                               Food Products
                        Compression testing of                                          Texture tests
                          capsules and pills

                                            Thin Objects
                                                                 Endurance testing of micro
                                         Tensile testing of paper, foil
                                                                machines, micro elements, and
                                               and film
                                                                   shape-memory alloys

                                                                                    Microservo MMT Series
                                                                                           Magnetic Micro Testing System  5
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