Page 9 - Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX
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Intelligent Automation Improves Work ow Ef ciency

                             Automatic optimization of MS conditions

 The combination of the LCMS-8060NX and the Nexera  series UHPLC provides a system with multiple Analytical Intelligence features,   Simply set the sample in place and enter the
 improving the ef ciency of your entire work ow and maximizing laboratory throughput.  sample information, and MRM and interface
                             parameter optimization will be carried out
                             automatically. The optimization results are
                             shown graphically, reducing the time and
 Intelligent start-up with Smart Flow Control
                             effort needed for evaluation.
 HPLC columns can be damaged by sudden pump starts and stops or extreme gradient
 changes. The Nexera automatically uses FlowPilot (Smart Flow Control) to increase the
  ow rate gradually to the set point. There is no need to create startup protocols for
 each analysis.
 Column equilibration
                                              LC/MS/MS Method Packages and MRM Libraries
 Pressure without
 FlowPilot  Auto-purge
 Flow rate                                    Several method packages are available for quick method startup. Analysis can begin
 Pressure with FlowPilot  Pressure            right away without MRM optimization or tedious method development.
 Oven Temp.                   Optimization
                              of analysis
 1 mL/min                     conditions      ■Method packages                  ■MRM libraries
 1 mL/min  Startup                                     Target         Cat. No.           Target          Cat. No.
 0.5 mL/min  ❸  Preparations                        Residual Pesticides  C146-E348  Metabolic Enzymes in Yeast  C146-E275
                                                    Veterinary Drugs
                                                                                     Phospholipid Pro ling
 ❷  for analysis                                   Water Quality Analysis  C146-E180A
 ❶                                               Rapid Toxicology Screening  C146-E406
                                                  Endogenous Metabolites
 Time                                                Lipid Mediators  C146-E381
 Oven  Not Ready  Ready
 status                                            Cell Culture Pro ling  C146-E408
 Pumping begins  Data         Analysis              D/L Amino Acids   C146-E336
        acquisition           method             Forensic Toxicology Database  C146-E351
                                                  Short-chain Fatty Acids  C146-E355
                                                 Aminoglycoside Antibiotics
 After                                          Restricted Chemicals in Textiles  C146-E352
 Improves data processing throughput  analysis        Bile Acids      C146-E386
 Great time savings can be achieved in multiple component data analysis, with   Note: optimization of analysis parameters for the
 Data review                                                                    LCMS-8060NX is necessary to use some of these products
 functions to check multiple chromatograms at once, display results that exceed
 and report                Start analysis
 standard values in a different color, etc. In addition, several report format templates   creation
 are provided, reducing the time needed for report creation.  Straightforward pretreatment saves labor
                             The SIL-40 autosampler series has programmable micro-volume liquid handling capabilities. Apply these
              Automatic sample
              pretreatment   sample pretreatment parameters  from a simple graphic interface, reducing labor and increasing precision in
                             co-injection, derivatization, etc.
 Shutdown                                                 (×10 6 )               (×10 6 )
                                                           No co-injection        With co-
                                                        5.0                    5.0
                                                        4.0                    4.0
                                                        3.0                    3.0
                                                        2.0                    2.0
                                                        1.0                    1.0
                                                        0.0                    0.0
                                                              2.0   2.5   min       2.0   2.5    min
                                                           Automatic co-injection with water matches mobile phase
                                                           conditions, preserving peak shape for early eluters
 8                                                                                           Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer  9
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