Page 11 - Shimadzu LCMS-8060NX
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Software Solutions from Acquisition to Data Review
 LabSolutions Connect  / LabSolutions Insight ™

 LabSolutions Connect and LabSolutions Insight provide support for the entire analytical work ow, from optimization of MS
 conditions to data processing, to achieve maximum ef ciency.

 Project  le management made simple  Simple method creation and batch creation

 Automatically stay organized with Connect’s  le management system. File locations are automatically determined by  le type,   LabSolutions Connect organizes optimized results in a dedicated database for easy retrieval. Simply select the target compounds from
 enabling the technician to carry out analysis or data processing without having to remember  le paths. Analyte concentrations and   the database to create a method. Existing method  les can be read into the database so that all method  le information can be
 other sample results can be saved as a data processing results  le. Multiple processing methods can be used on the same data set,   managed together. During the creation of sample acquisition batches, the position of vials is shown on the screen so that settings can
 with results stored separately, enabling processing parameter optimization and easy results retrieval.  be applied easily without risk of mistakes. The project management function prevents the user from accidentally overwriting  les
            from a different project.

 User  Projects  Files

 User A  Project 1  Analysis method

 Raw data

                   Method creation window                      Batch creation window
 Project 2         Simply select the compounds to be analyzed and the method is   Vial positions and sample types are shown graphically.
 Data processing method
                   automatically generated.

            Ef cient data review
 Data processing results
            LabSolutions Insight is the ideal environment for sample data review. Toggle between sample and compound review modes based
            on user preference. The multiple chromatogram display accordingly presents all samples for a particular analyte, or all analytes for a
            particular sample. All chromatograms can simultaneously be zoomed in or out, or docked in a separate monitor to suit analyst needs.
 MRM and ion source optimization  Color-coded  ags enable the reviewer to easily spot problem samples for speedy and accurate processing. Flags can be set for a
            wide variety of QC parameters, not only for values exceeding limits, but also approaching limits. Use standard report templates or
 MRM parameters (precursor ion m/z, product ion m/z, voltages) and ion source parameters (gas  ow rate, temperature) are
             le output for universal laboratory information systems integration.
 automatically optimized. Just one round of comprehensive optimization maximizes sensitivity, taking into consideration polarity,
              Smart Data Reduction mode supports not only data  les from previous LabSolutions versions, but also the new raw data format
 adduct ions, charge number etc. The results of this process can be viewed on a graph using the data browser function. The MRM
            lrdz. Compared to past formats, lrdz  le sizes are 80% smaller. These  les can be processed with LabSolutions Insight, and the results
 optimization results screen simultaneously displays a chromatogram, a spectrum, and each voltage. From the MRM optimization
            are stored as an iproc  le.
 results screen, check how the signal intensity changes with variations in each parameter.

                   Multi-chromatogram survey display           Sample selection screen in Irdz  le
 MRM optimization  Ion source optimization  Easily carry out peak corrections for multiple chromatograms,   Select and quantitate the samples in lrdz  le in Insight Wizard. The
 Review screen for MRM optimization simultaneously   Review screen for source optimization graphically displays   and use the  agging function to keep track of samples that   result will be saved in iproc  le.
 displays precursor ion, product ion, and voltage results.  the successive results of each parameter modi cation.  need to be checked.

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