Page 8 - Shimadzu LCMS-8040
P. 8

Ultra-High Reliability to

            Withstand Wide Range of Complex Matrices

                Exceptional Durability
            Blood plasma samples were spiked with verapamil and warfarin, and   warfarin by ESI −  was performed. Chromatograms for the 1st, 250th,
            then deproteinized according to the pretreatment process indicated   and 450th measurements are shown below. This resulted in 1 pg
            below. The area values from 450 consecutive LCMS-8040 analyses   on-column area repeatability of 4.18% for verapamil and 6.61% for
            were then plotted. Simultaneous analysis of verapamil by ESI +  and   warfarin.

                      ×10 4
                   3.0                                                                 Column: Shim-pack XR-ODS II
                                                                    Verapamil          (2.0 mmI.D. × 50 mmL, 2.2 μm)
                                                                    Warfarin           Mobile Phase A: 5 mmol/L
                                                                                       ammonium acetate –water
                                                                                       Mobile Phase B: Acetonitrile
                                                                                       Gradient Program:
                   Area  1.5                                                           60%B (0 –1.50 min) –
                                                                                       90%B (1.51–3.00 min) –
                   1.0                                                                 60%B (3.01–4.50 min)
                                                                                       Flow Rate :  0.4 mL/min.
                     0      50    100    150    200    250    300    350    400    450
                      200 μL plasma sample
                      Add 200 μL Acetonitrile, 50 μL 50% methanol aqueous solution and 50 μL verapamil and warfarin standard solutions.
                      Vortex and centrifuge (10000 rpm, 3 min.) followed by freeze drying.
                      Add 500 μL dilution solution.
                      Vortex and centrifuge (12000 rpm, 5 min.).

                  (×1,000)                         (×1,000)                         (×1,000)
                6.0               1 st  injection  6.0           250 th  injection  6.0          450 th  injection
                5.0                              5.0                             5.0
                4.0                              4.0                             4.0
                3.0                              3.0                             3.0
                2.0                              2.0                             2.0
                1.0                              1.0                             1.0
                0.0                              0.0                             0.0
                    0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  min     0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  min    0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  min

                Ultra Fast Speed Combined with Lower Femtogram Detection

            Using the same chromatography parameters as described above, analysis   Verapamil       Warfarin
            of plasma samples spiked with 40 fg/μL verapamil and warfarin were   455.25 >165.05(+)  300  307.20 >161.05(-)
            injected into the LCMS-8040 for signal to noise determination. For 100
            fg on-column, a S/N ratio of 146 (rms) was obtained for verapamil and            250
            30 (rms) for warfarin.
                                                                     800                     200
                                                                     600                     150
            The resulting lower limits of detection for S/N = 3 (rms) were 2.05 fg for
            verapamil and 9.88 fg for warfarin.
                                                                     400                     100
                      Compounds           Verapamil   Warfarin       200                      50
                S/N: 100 fg on column (rms)  146         30
                                                                       0                      0
                LOD(fg) Calculated at S/N = 3  2.05    9.88                 0.25  0.50  min       0.50  0.75  1.00 min
                                                                        Chromatograms of 100 fg Verapamil and Warfarin On-Column

      8                 Sp e e d  B eyond  C o mp ari s on  E n h a nc e d  Se n s itivit y
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