Page 5 - Shimadzu LCMS-8040
P. 5

Higher CID Efficiency with Improved Collision Cell

                         UFsweeper II

            The UFsweeper II is a high-sensitivity, high-speed collision cell that
            features improved ion focusing by using high-speed ion transport
            technology. This yields better product ion transmission in the
            collision cell, maintaining signal intensity and suppressing crosstalk,
            even for high-speed or simultaneous multi-component analysis. The
            capability for high-throughput analysis is thus maintained at lower
            levels of detection.

                                       Precursor       Product       LCMS-8030      LCMS-8040      Proportional
                   Sample Name
                                         m/z            m/z         CID efficiency  CID efficiency   Increase
                  Lidocaine             235.4           86.1           20.0            29.0            1.4
                  Atropine              290.1           124.1           7.2            11.0            1.5
                  Yohimbine             355.1          144.0            9.5            15.6            1.6
                  Tetracaine            265.1           176.1          15.7            32.0            2.0
                  Doxepin               280.1           107.1           4.4             7.2            1.6
                  Imipramine            281.1           86.1           16.2            22.1            1.3
                  Nortriptyline         264.1           233.1           3.8             7.4            1.9
                  Isopropylantipyrine   231.1          188.9            1.5             2.9            1.9
                  Diazepam              285.0          154.0            2.4             3.9            1.6
                  Reserpine             609.3           195.1           3.9             6.6            1.7

            The LCMS-8040 offers higher sensitivity while maintaining the   measured simultaneously, both the LCMS-8030 and LCMS-8040
            ultrafast performance of the LCMS-8030. The figures below show   accurately identified all 167 components. In addition, the LCMS-8040
            simultaneous analysis of 167 pesticides in MRM positive/negative   showed improved sensitivity – an average of three times higher for
            ion analysis mode. Even though positive and negative ions were   all components.

                  LCMS-8030                                        LCMS-8040
                   (×10,000,000)                                    (×10,000,000)
                1.00                                             1.00

                0.75                                             0.75

                0.50                                             0.50

                0.25                                             0.25

                0.00                                             0.00
                        5.0      10.0    15.0     20.0   min             5.0      10.0    15.0     20.0   min
             HPLC                                               MS
             Analysis Column  Shim-pack FC-ODS (2.0 mmI.D. × 150 mmL., 3 μm)  Probe Voltage  +4.5 kV (ESI-Positive mode) / −3.5 kV (ESI-Negative mode)
             Mobile Phase A  5 mmol/L ammonium acetate - Water  Nebulizing Gas Flow  1.5 L/min
             Mobile Phase B  5 mmol/L ammonium acetate - Methanol  Drying Gas Flow  10 L/min
             Gradient Program  15%B (0 min) – 40%B (1–3.5 min) – 50%B (6 min)   DL Temperature  250°C
                         – 55%B (8 min) – 95%B (17.5–30 min) – 15%B (30.01–40 min)  Heat Block Temperature  400°C
             Flow Rate   0.2 mL/min
             Column Temperature  40°C

                                                               L i quid  C h r o mat o g r aph  Mas s  Sp e c tr omet er  5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10