Page 4 - Shimadzu LCMS-8040
P. 4

Ultra-High Sensitivity with UFMS Technology

                Higher Sensitivity with Improved Ion Optics

                                     The UF-Lens is a lens system that offers both higher sensitivity and easier maintenance. The optical system
                UF-Lens              integrates two multi-pole RF ion guides for higher sensitivity. In addition, the lens system can be removed
                                     without tools for easy cleaning.

                          Sprayer              UF-Lens
                                  Qarray  Multi Pole 1  Q1 Pre-rod  Q1 Post-rod  Q3 Pre-rod
                                                             Q1                        Q3

                            Line      Skimmer  Multi Pole 2            UFsweeper  II           Detector
                                                                       Collision Cell
                    Atmospheric  1 Vacuum         rd     th
                    Pressure     Chamber   2 nd   3     4
                                   RP        Triple Inlets Tmp    4 Stage Differential Pumping System

            Ion losses between segments are minimized by
                                                                      Previous                           UF-Lens
            utilizing quadrupole ion guides.                       Configuration

                                                  LCMS-8030                          LCMS-8040

            A comparison of auto-tune Q1 scan results for a standard sample (a mixture
                                                                        Increase in Sensitivity (8030 vs. 8040)
            of PEG, PPG, and raffinose) obtained from the LCMS-8030 and LCMS-8040 is
            shown to the right. Target ions used for ESI +  auto-tuning are plotted (m/z   4
            65.05, 168.10, 256.15, 344.20, 652.40, 1004.60, and 1224.75). A significant
            sensitivity increase across a broad molecular weight range for precursor ion   3
            transmission is demonstrated.                                2

                                                                         0 1
                                                                          0        500      1000     1500     2000

      4                 Sp e e d  B eyond  C o mp ari s on  E n h a nc e d  Se n s itivit y
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9