Page 7 - Shimadzu LCMS-8040
P. 7

Higher Sensitivity for MS/MS Acquisition Modes

            The increased scan sensitivity of the LCMS-8040 also applies to   Mass error   300.0
            scan modes specific to triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, such   associated with a
                                                                    rise in scan speed
            as product ion scanning, precursor ion scanning, and neutral loss
            scanning. Historically, mass spectrometers have introduced mass
            deviation in linked scans, such as precursor ion scans or neutral loss       300.5
            scans, when measured at maximum scan speeds.

                       Precursor ion of m/z 149  Dipropyl phthalate         Increase in Scan Speed
                 Inten.(×10 5 )  Inten.(×10 5 )                                            301.0
                      251.25  7.5  251.25
                 2.5                                  CH3                      298.0 299.0 300.0 301.0 302.0 303.0  m/z
                                                 m/z  149
                                                                             Typical triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
                 0.0          0.0
                  240.0  250.0  m/z  240.0  250.0  m/z
            Inten.(×10 7 )           Inten.(×10 7 )
               2727 u/sec              6000 u/sec
                                                    8040       However, Shimadzu's proprietary UFscanning technology allows
            1.0                     1.5                        performing precursor ion scans or neutral loss scans at high speeds
                                    1.0                        without loss of mass accuracy. In addition, the LCMS-8040 offers
            0.5                                                higher sensitivity levels. Precursor scan results for eight kinds of
                                    0.5                        phthalate esters are shown to the left. Scans were performed at
                                                               two speeds, 2727 u/sec and 6000 u/sec. No mass shift is observed
             0                       0
                3.0    4.0    5.0  min  3.0    4.0     5.0  min  at either scan speed, and a significant sensitivity improvement is
                Precursor Ion Scan of Standard Mixture Sample of 8 Phthalate Esters  observed for the LCMS-8040.
                Easy Method Transfer
            MRM parameters for the LCMS-8030 can be used in LCMS-8040 systems.
            Optimization of MRM parameters is an early step in LCMS method   employing LCMS-8030 MRM conditions will be able to transfer
            development. Shimadzu has streamlined the MRM optimization   these MRMs directly to the LCMS-8040. To demonstrate this, a
            process with a rapid and simplified approach based on automated   method for the simultaneous analysis of 167 pesticides was
            flow injection analysis. Several method packages, which contain   transferred without modification from the LCMS-8030 to the
            chromatographic and optimized MRM conditions for a variety of   LCMS-8040. Increased sensitivity was obtained for all compounds;
            analytes, including residual pesticides, veterinary drugs, and   three example chromatograms are shown below.
            forensic drugs of abuse, have also been released. Laboratories

                    10 ppb: Cloquintocet-mexyl(9.5X)  10 ppb: Pyrazosulfuron-ethyl(7.4X)  10 ppb: Linuron(5.2X)
                     (×100,000)                       (×100)                           (×1,000)
                  1.50  ESI +  336.20>238.00           ESI +    415.20 >182.10          ESI      246.90 >160.00
                  1.25          8040                           8040                 1.50       8040
                                                   0.75                             1.00
                                                   0.25                                         8030
                  0.25                                          8030
                                                   0.00                             0.00
                     18.0     19.0    min            5.5  6.0  6.5  7.0  min          14.0  14.5  15.0  min

                                                               L i quid  C h r o mat o g r aph  Mas s  Sp e c tr omet er  7
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12