Page 10 - Shimadzu LCMS-8040
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LabSolutions LCMS

            Shimadzu's data acquisition software provides a single point of control for LC and MS parameters.
            In addition, by incorporating critical input from customers, Shimadzu provides laboratories with
            software tools to address specific laboratory workflows and improve productivity.

                Fully Automated MRM Optimization

            It's faster and easier to optimize quantitative parameters with updated software that reduces MRM optimization time by 25%.

                 Previous version: Before starting voltage optimization, precursor m/z must be input.
                                          Voltage                                                  Voltage
                   Searching Precursor Ion                CE Optimization     Searching Product Ion
                                        Optimization 1                                           Optimization 2

                 New version: Precursor m/z is automatically picked from full scan spectra based on a preset rule.
                  Searching Precursor Ion
                                     Searching Product Ion                                 25% Time Savings
                                                        CE Optimization
                                                                         Voltage Optimization

                Intuitive User Interface

            A new approach helps simplify the user experience for high-throughput laboratories. Quick batch makes it easier to perform routine
            LC/MS/MS analyses and changes to the Control Panel help method development.

                                                                              Method development
                                                                              An updated Control Panel makes it
                                                                              easier to change LC/MS/MS methods.

                                                              Control panel

                       Quick Batch
                       Streamlines sample submission. A simple
                       color-coded autosampler graphic offers quick
                       visualization of the sample queue. Three color
                       codes have been designed for standards (sky
                       blue), unknowns (purple) and controls (yellow).

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