Page 7 - Shimadzu LABNIRS
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For Research Use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
 Expanding Range of Research Applications

 Rehabilitation Research  Informatics Research

 Measurements While Walking  Motion Analysis                     BMI Research

 Recent years have seen progress in applied research into the use of fNIRS for   Simultaneous measurements with a motion analysis system can link the   Real-time transfer of measured data to another PC permits biofeedback on
 nerve rehabilitation, such as functional recovery after a stroke. Unlike fMRI,   subject's body movements and brain functions.  the subject and application to brain-machine interfaces (BMI) for control of
 which requires the subject to remain still, fNIRS permits brain-function   external devices.
 measurements in a task environment while moving.
 Consequently, it is possible to obtain measurements while the subject is moving
 on a treadmill or ergometer, enabling the acquisition of information about   Feedback
 cerebral activity related to the motion or cognitive functions involved in the motion.      Control
 Neurorehabilitation Research
 In the rehabilitation  eld, feedback on the patient's recovery process, used to
 promote more ef cient recovery, is known as neurorehabilitation. fNIRS permits   Example of Real-Time Data Transfer System
 measurements during various tasks for speech therapy or occupational therapy.  1  Main unit: 4 sets or more, L-shaped fibers
                                                                   2  Whole-head fiber holder/holder kit (short-distance)
                                                                   3  3D position measurement system, MRI fusion software
              Bibliography  •  NeuroImage, 34 (4), 1416-1427 (2007)  Video synchronization system, Real-Time Data Transfer System

              Education and Psychology Research

              Cognitive Neuroscience                             Eye Movements

 Example of measurement system during motion  To acquire strictly task-dependent signals, the brain-function measurements   Simultaneous measurements with an eye movement tracker can link the
 Bibliography  •  Stroke, 34 (12), 2866-2870 (2003)  1  Main unit: 40 sets, L-shaped fibers  2  Whole-head fiber holder/holder kit (short-distance)  are performed in a laboratory where various conditions can be controlled.   subject's eye movements and brain functions.
 •  PLoS ONE, 7 (3), e32234 (2012)  3  3D position measurement system, MRI fusion software, Video synchronization system  fNIRS places few restrictions on the measurement environment or the
              subject's posture, which makes it effective for psychological experiments.
              Acquiring brain-function data with respect to diverse topics to understand
 Drug Development and Medical Research  human cognitive functions under various conditions may lead to the kansei
              evaluation of products.
 Group Comparisons for Mental Disorder Research
              Bibliography  •  J. Biomed Opt., 15(3), 037006 (2010)
 Centroid and integration functions are used to calculate the integrated value   •  NeuroReport, 21(2), 127-131 (2010)
 and centroid value for each channel within a speci ed time range. These   •  Res. Develo. Disabil., 33(2), 518-524 (2012)
 values are plotted on a scatter diagram with integrated values on the   •  Schizophrenia Research, 136(1), 63-69(2012)
 horizontal axis and centroid values on the vertical axis. Previously acquired
 disease-speci c data can be displayed color-coded by group.       Examples of Visual Function Measurement Systems
                                                                   1  Main unit: 32 sets, L-shaped fibers  2  Temporal Fiber Holder
 Bibliography  •  Schizophrenia Research, 136 (1), 63-69 (2012)    3  3D position measurement system, MRI fusion software
                                                                     Video synchronization system, Stimulus Presentation System
 Measurements on Newborn Babies and Infants
              Basic Research
 The brain functions of newborn babies and infants and how they develop is a
 research area not yet fully explained. Because it uses near infra-red light,
 fNIRS  is a safe brain-function measurement technique effective for   Simultaneous NIRS and EEG Measurements
 measurements on newborn babies and infants. It can be used for diverse   Simultaneous measurements of neural activity and changes in blood  ow enhance
 research applications including the senses of touch, hearing, and vision.    Holder set for newborn babies (Pad Type)  the spatiotemporal resolution and permit application to many research  elds.
 Bibliography  •  Brain Research, 1383, 242-251 (2011)
              Bibliography  •  Brain Topogr, 22(3), 197-214(2009)
 •  NeuroReport, 23 (6), 373-377 (2012)  •  NeuroImage, 59(4), 4006-4021(2012)
 Example of measurements on infants  Example of Simultaneous EEG measurement system
 1  Main unit: 12 sets, L-shaped fibers  2  Holder for infants measurement, Type A  1  Main unit: 36 sets, L-shaped fibers  2  EEG simultaneous measurement fiber holder
 3  Fiber set for infants measurement (12 sets)・Phantom for infants measurement  3  3D position measurement system, MRI fusion software
 Converter box rack for infants measurement  Holder for infants measurement (Cap Type), Fiber set for infants measurement  Video synchronization system, EEG data integration software

                                                                                       functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for Research
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