Page 4 - Shimadzu LABNIRS
P. 4

Rehabilitation Research                                                                      Informatics Research

                                                               Movement, Work,
                                                              Language, Hearing
                                                                                                                                                         "Kansei" (emotion)
                                                           LABNIRS permits brain-function measurements                                                         engineering
                                                           in task environments involving body movements.
                                                           High-density measurements at double the
                                                           conventional spatial resolution improve the                                                 LABNIRS permits real-time NIRS + EEG
                                                           accuracy with which active regions can be                                                   (electroencephalogram) measurements and
                                                           identified.                                                                                  data transfer that are effective for robot
                                                                                                                                                       control and other research.

                                   Shimadzu's functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for

                                   Research Supports Various Research Applications

               Drug Development

             and Medical Research

           Neuroscience and Psychiatry

                   Brain Function of                                                                                                        Education and
                    Newborn Babies                                                                                                     Psychology Research

              LABNIRS can be applied to brain function research and                                                                      Cognitive Psychology
              drug development for research into mental illnesses,
              such as depression and schizophrenia. It is expected to                                                                       Social Psychology
              be used for such application as the prediction of drug
              efficacy and as a monitoring tool for therapeutic                                                                              Development and
              efficacy based on brain function. (LABNIRS is not a                 Basic Research
              medical device. Use it for research purposes only.)                                                                                Education

                                                                                  Brain Functional                                      Up to 80 optical fibers in 40 sets allows simultaneous
                                                                                 Network Research                                       measurements on multiple subjects. The number of
                                                                                                                                        measurement channels can be increased in stages to
                                                                                   Multi-Modality                                       match the aim of the research and the budget.


                                                                           Multiple channels permit measurement of the entire
                                                                           head. Rapid data sampling that is five times faster
                                                                           than conventional instruments captures reactions
                                                                           resulting from fast neural activities.

                                                                                                                                      For Research Use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.               functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System for Research
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