Page 21 - Shimadzu IRAffinity-1S
P. 21

A Wide Range of Accessories  DRS-8000A                        (P/N 206-62301-58)

 If an accessory is installed in the sample compartment, the name and identification (machine)   Although powder samples are mixed with KBr, as with the KBr pellet method, they are
 number of the installed accessory is displayed in IRsolution.   analyzed in their original state. It is not necessary to create pellets. For plastic moldings,
            part of the surface is scraped off with the emery paper attached to the SiC sampler (P/N
 In addition to being displayed on the status monitor, it is also recorded in the log file.
            200-66750), and the powdered sample formed on the paper is analyzed. Diffuse
 The optimum measurement parameters for the installed accessory are automatically set.
            reflectance spectra that are similar to transmittance spectra are produced by Kubelka–Munk

 This is a series of horizontal ATR accessories integrated with sample compartments.
 The ease of purging has been improved, and there is no concern with dust entering
 the IRAffinity-1S sample compartment.  Powders  Moldings
                                                                                       SiC Sampler

 MIRacle 10  (P/N 206-74127-xx)  SRM-8000A                     (P/N 206-62304-91)

 This is a single-reflection ATR accessory. To measure the spectrum of a liquid, simply drip it   A specular reflectance accessory with a 10° incidence angle is used for the analysis of thin
 on the prism. To measure the spectrum of the surface of other samples, clamp them firmly   films on a metal plate with a mm order of thickness. In the case of mirror-like plastic
 on the surface of the prism. Large samples (with a large surface area) can be measured   samples, the light specularly reflected from the sample surface is measured. Specular
 without cutting them. The incidence angle is 45°.  reflectance spectra that are similar to transmittance spectra are produced by
 Select from three types of prism: ZnSe, Ge, and diamond/ZnSe. Also, select whether the   Kramers-Kronig analysis.
 respective prism is equipped with a pressure sensor. The Ge prism is ideal for samples with
 a high refractive index.

                            Thin Films
 Powders  Moldings  Thin Films  Films  Liquids  Rubber

 (P/N 206-74128-91)
 GladiATR 10   (With pressure sensor  P/N 206-74128-93)  RAS-8000A  (P/N 206-62302-91)

            A high-sensitivity reflection measurement accessory with incidence angles of 70° and 75° is
 This is a single-reflection ATR accessory. Since the prism is made solely of diamond, it is capable
            used for the analysis of thin films on a metal plate with an nm order of thickness. Using it
 of measuring spectra up to 400 cm . To measure the spectrum of a liquid, simply drip it on the
            in combination with the GPR-8000 infrared polarizer (P/N 206-61550) enables
 prism. To measure the spectrum of the surface of other samples, clamp them firmly on the
            measurement with an even higher level of sensitivity.
 surface of the prism. The incidence angle is 45°. Select whether the prism is equipped with a
 pressure sensor. The Ge prism is ideal for samples with a high refractive index.
                            Thin Films
 Powders  Moldings  Thin Films  Films  Liquids  Rubber
 HATR 10  (P/N 206-74126-91)  ATR-8000A                        (P/N 206-62303-91)

 This is a horizontal ATR accessory. There are prisms for liquids and solids. To measure the   This accessory obtains spectra for the surfaces of film-like samples that are clamped firmly
 spectrum of a liquid sample, simply drip it on the prism. To measure the spectrum of the   on the surface of a prism. Incidence angles of 30°, 45°, and 60° can be selected. The KRS-5
 surface of film and rubber samples, clamp them firmly on the surface of the prism. The   prism is standard.
 incidence angle is 45°, and the number of reflections is 10.  A Ge prism is also available for samples with a high refractive index.
 The ZnSe prism is included as standard, but the Ge prism is ideal for samples with a high
 refractive index.

                                      Films          Rubber
 Films  Liquids  Rubber
            * ATR spectra similar to transmittance spectra are produced by ATR correction.

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