Page 14 - Shimadzu GCMS-TQ8040 NX
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Smart Database Series Enables Accurate Analysis Using MRM Quick-DB Forensic Toxicology Database
GC-MS/MS database series specialized for various fields supports your analysis with ease and accuracy. These databases contain This database contains information on sample preparation, data acquisition, and analysis of 68
pre-optimized MRM transitions and collision energies required for GC-MS/MS analysis, allowing users to start an analysis compounds often involved in poisonings. Due to the simple QuEChERS method used for the sample
immediately just by using the AART function to automatically modify the retention times. preparation, even first-time users can pretreat samples easily. The performance control function,
which automatically assesses the system status, quickly determines problematic areas. As a result,
Smart Pesticides Database ™ Smart Metabolites Database ™ users can analyze toxicological substances while consistently maintaining the highest status level.
Using a Calibration Curve for a Pretreated Sample
It covers the pesticides (530 compounds) The database contains 627 compounds
subject to GC-MS analysis and used including metabolites contained in food, to Correct for Recovery Rates
inside and outside Japan. The database blood, urine and cells. It also contains By using the calibration curve information from a pretreated sample,
also contains information on compounds information on the stable isotopes of 38 accurate quantitative values can be obtained. The calibration curve If specific control parameter criteria are not
that can be used as internal standards. major metabolites, which can be used as information is used to correct differences in recovery rates for each satisfied, the optimal steps for restoring the
Therefore, it also supports analysis with internal standards. target compound or correct for effects caused by adsorption, which system status are displayed in a message box.
the internal standard method. occurs when creating calibration curves using standards.
Smart Aroma Database ™ Smart Forensic Database ™ Effect of
511 compounds that contribute to The database is registered with 486 recovery rate
aroma are registered in the database. forensic toxicological substances often
This database supports various aroma involved in poisonings, such as drugs of
analysis, such as detecting aroma abuse, psychotropic drugs, Calibration curve for
compounds from scan measurements pharmaceuticals, and pesticides. whole blood sample Less affected by adsorption
and high-sensitivity target analysis using spiked with standard caused by matrix effects
MRM and SIM. and pretreated Quick-DB Forensic Launcher Screen
Smart Environmental Database ™
The database contains information on Off-Flavor Analyzer
527 compounds including This analysis system contains information on the major odor-causing substances
polychlorinated biphenyl, brominated identified from previous problems and associated sensory information, thus enabling
flame retardants, dioxins, polycyclic the reliable identification of odor-causing substances. It allows users to calculate
aromatic hydrocarbons, and quantitative values easily without using standard samples, and to identify
organochlorine pesticides, as well as odor-causing substances through comparison with registered odor thresholds. The Primary odor GC/MS analytical information
their stable isotope labeled compounds.
system also supports the use of a sniffer, enabling the efficient confirmation of
odors using the predicted retention time display function.
In addition, support is provided for a total system, including pretreatment units such
Quick-DB Series Enables Quick Screening Without Using Standards as HS, SPME, and thermal desorption units using MonoTrap .
Preregistered with calibration curve information from the internal standard methods, this database allows users to calculate quantitative values Comparison of Concentration to Odor Threshold Values
without analyzing standard samples. It can be used for screening when quick confirmation of quantitative results is required.
Quick-DB GC/MS Residual Pesticides Database
The database contains information on calibration curves created using
pesticide surrogates as the internal standards, thus enabling the simultaneous
screening of 491 residual pesticides without using standard samples. The
registered calibration curves have been created by grouping target pesticides
based on similar behavioral and physical properties, and allocating pesticide
surrogates with similar physical properties to each group as internal standard
substances. This allows highly accurate quantitative values to be calculated. Since some odor components have a low odor threshold, low
Odor-causing substances can be identified through comparisons of concentration levels need to be detected to identify the causative
Allocation of Pesticide Surrogates odor thresholds with the concentrations of off-flavor components substances. High-sensitivity MRM/SIM analysis by GC-MS(/MS) can reliably
Based on Physical Properties of Target Pesticides identified in a chromatogram. detect even trace components near the odor threshold (a few pg/g).
Sensitivity Variation Adjustments Using Pesticide Surrogates 1.5
Target pesticides Pesticide surrogates 4.0 195.0 195.0 > 167.0
210.0 > 195.0
Pesticide 3.0 167.0 1.0 210.0 > 167.0
Group 1 Pesticide
Analytical Under Threshold Value Over Threshold Value 2.0
behavior Dichlorvos-d IS IS IS 1.0 0.5
Polarity Boiling (Pesticide-d) (Pesticide-d) Benzophenone 2,4,6-Tribromophenol
point Group 2 0.0
Malathion Acephate-d Concentration/Threshold=Odor threshold value Concentration/Threshold=Odor threshold value 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25
Mass Chromatograms of 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole
Recovery Others Database Calibration Curve Customer's GC-MS 2.543/10.000=0.254 2241.933/100.000=22.419 (estimated concentration of 18.166 pg/g) in Food with an Odd Odor
Group 4 Pesticide surrogates can also be used to adjust differences in (Left: Scan analysis, Right: MRM analysis)
Hydrophobicity Iprobenfos-d target pesticide responses observed in calibration curves and a
Allocation customer's instrument due to variations in GC-MS(/MS) sensitivity.
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