Page 7 - Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX
P. 7

Reduced Operating Costs Using Alternative Carrier Gases  Application Example Using Nitrogen as the Carrier Gas
 Hydrogen and nitrogen are less expensive than helium and are readily available, so they are attracting attention as   The use of helium as the carrier gas is a major contributor to instrument
 alternative carrier gases. The high-performance Advanced Flow Controller (AFC) provides accurate control even with   operating costs.
 hydrogen and nitrogen. In addition, the new large-capacity differential exhaust system enhances the vacuum   Nitrogen is approximately 10 times less expensive than helium, so
 performance when hydrogen or nitrogen is used as the carrier gas, so the optimal MS state is achieved under all   significant reductions in operating costs can be expected by utilizing   He  N2
 carrier gas conditions.  nitrogen as the carrier gas.

 Application Example Using Hydrogen as the Carrier Gas  %RSD = 2.63
 Hydrogen and nitrogen provide less sensitivity than helium.   5.0               He
 However, chromatogram patterns equivalent to when helium is   He  H2
 used can be obtained by using a short column with a narrow
 internal diameter. EZGC  Method Translator* , a method   2.5                         H2
 conversion program provided by Restek, can convert the analysis
 conditions when helium is used to the optimal analysis conditions   0.0
 for the alternative carrier gas.                                                        N2
                                                 %RSD = 3.74
 (×10,000)  (×100)
 191.00  8.0  272.00                                                1 pg  10 pg  100 pg  1 ng  10 ng
 2.00          1.5
 193.00  274.00
                                                            Indication of Measurement Range for Each Carrier Gas
 1.50  6.0     1.0                                           (On-Column Amount)
 1.25                                                       These measurement ranges are at best only guidelines, and may be
 1.00                                                       unsuitable depending on the target compound sensitivities and the
 0.75  4.0                                                  compound characteristics.
 3.0           SIM Mass Chromatogram for DINP
 0.25          (0.5  g/mL, overlay at 7 replicates)
 6.00  6.25  6.50  6.75  14.50  14.75  15.00  15.25  Top: Helium Carrier Gas (99.99%, with gas purification filter)
 Chloroneb  Endosulfate  Bottom: Nitrogen Carrier Gas (99.99%, with gas purification filter)
 Mass Chromatograms of Pesticides (5 ng/mL, SIM)
 The retention indices are essentially unchanged even when the   Equivalent chromatogram patterns and mass spectra were obtained even though the analysis conditions used with
 conventionally used analysis conditions are converted for using   helium as the carrier gas were converted for using nitrogen as the carrier gas. This can be applied for purposes of
 hydrogen as the carrier gas. Mass spectral libraries containing   qualitative analysis including the analysis of evolved gases from polymeric materials.
 retention indices and databases provided by Shimadzu should be   (×10,000,000)
 used.             TIC
 EZGC Method Translator                                          %
                2.0                                            100                        213
 *1 EZGC is a trademark of Restek Corporation.
      For details, refer to the Restek Corporation website.  1.0                     50
                                                                            119             228
                                                                     65 77    135  165
                    5.0        10.0       15.0       20.0         50     100     150    200    250
 Hydrogen sensor  (×10,000,000)
               5.0  TIC
 Hydrogen Sensor Assures Safety                                  %
                                                               100                        213
 A hydrogen sensor (optional) can be installed inside the GC. By   2.5
 discovering potential leaks in advance, accidents can be prevented.   50
 Furthermore, the main unit is equipped with an automatic carrier       91  119             228
 gas leak checking function, which strongly supports the use of   0.0  0  65 77  135  165
 hydrogen as a carrier gas.  5.0  10.0  15.0       20.0           50     100     150    200    250
               Sample Analysis of the Instantaneous Thermal Decomposition of an Electronic Board Utilizing Py-GC/MS
               (mass spectrum for bisphenol A)
 Hydrogen Sensor Monitors Inside of GC Oven  Top: Helium Carrier Gas (99.99%, with gas purification filter)
               Bottom: Nitrogen Carrier Gas (99.99%, with gas purification filter)

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