Page 5 - Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX
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Smart Performance

 Provides Higher Sensitivity and Reduces Operational Costs

 A large-capacity differential exhaust turbomolecular pump and a high-performance flow controller ensure that the   New Flow Controller Achieves Exceptional Reproducibility  Split filter
 utmost in sensitivity is obtained under all conditions used for GC. This sensitivity combined with high-speed analysis
 capabilities helps maximize laboratory efficiency by reducing analysis times. In addition, the system can be safely   A new flow controller (AFC) with a CPU uses various control methods to control carrier
 operated using carrier gases other than helium, such as hydrogen or nitrogen, thereby reducing operating costs.  gas flow to a constant flow speed, flowrate, or pressure. It can also accurately trace the
               analytical conditions already being used.
 Technology Achieves High Sensitivity  The split line filter can be replaced without any tools. Internal contamination can be
               confirmed visually, ensuring filters are replaced at the proper time.

 Ion Source Featuring High Sensitivity and Long-Term Stability
 The filament and the ion source box have been separated, which reduces
 the impact of the filament potential on the interior of the ion source.
 In addition, a shield is provided to block radiant heat generated by the
 filament, achieving a uniform temperature inside the ion source box. Thus,                    Valve
 active spots inside the ion source are not prone to occur, enabling                      Flow Controller
 high-sensitivity analysis with long-term stability. (Patent: US7939810)                   (AFC-2030)

 Shield  Temperature
 Low  High
 : Filament
 : Electric field
 : Heat rays
                                                                 One Touch Inlet Maintenance
                                                              The injection port can be opened or closed without tools
 (×1,000)  (×1,000)                                           by simply sliding the ClickTek  lever. Replace the insert,
 1.00  274.00  3.0  354.00
 246.00  306.00                                               slide the lever and feel the click for a leak-free install every
 0.75                                                         time.
 0.50  1.5
 14.25  14.50  14.75  15.00  15.25  15.50  12.00  12.25  12.50  12.75  13.00  13.25
 Phenthoate (5 ng/mL)  Dithiopyr (5 ng/mL)
 Large-Capacity Differential Exhaust System
 Through adoption of a new type of turbomolecular pump with increased exhaust efficiency, the
 system's performance is greatly improved when using hydrogen or nitrogen, in addition to   ClickTek Nut
 helium, as the carrier gas. Moreover, a differential exhaust method is used to create a vacuum
 separately for the ion source and the quadrupole. As a result, an optimal MS state can be
 realized regardless of the conditions imposed by the carrier gas used.

 High-Speed Scan Control Technology
 Advanced Scanning Speed Protocol (ASSP )                                                Area value Retention time
                                                                             Acenaphthylene  0.969  0.005
 The rod bias voltage is automatically optimized during   Advanced GC Oven   Fluorene     0.918  0.007
 high-speed data acquisition, which minimizes   Diazinon                     Anthracene    1.141  0.007
 sensitivity deterioration during high-speed scans of   Propyzamide  The improved temperature control   Pyrene  1.263  0.004
 10,000 u/sec or faster. The sensitivity obtained is at   function enables more precise   Chrysene  1.283  0.005
 least five times better than with conventional systems.   temperature control of the GC oven,   Benzo[b]fluoranthene  1.940  0.003
 This is effective for scan data sensitivity improvements   which improves the precision of   Benzo[a]pyrene  0.781  0.005
 and favorable mass spectrum acquisition, particularly   Black: 1,111 u/sec  retention time reproducibility.  Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.744  0.004
                                                                             Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.836
 Red   : 5,000 u/sec
 in high-speed analysis with Fast-GC/MS, simultaneous   Blue : 10,000 u/sec  In addition, three oven cooling rate   17.45  17.50  17.55  Benzo[ghi]perylene  0.767  0.004
 Scan/SIM, FASST analysis, and applications using GC ×   Newly Patented Technology (ASSP)  levels can be specified to minimize   Mass Chromatogram of Benzo[a]pyrene  Repeatability with Polycyclic
 GC-MS. (Patent: US6610979)  damage to column liquid phases and   (Overlaid plotting of measurements repeated eight times)  Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
               maximize the service life.
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