Page 9 - Shimadzu GC-2014
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 Expandability to Support all Types of Analysis

 For varied and complicated analyses, an array of units and detectors provide quick, easy solutions

 A Full Line of Injection Units  Compact, High-Sensitivity Detectors

 Obtaining better data requires that the appropriate   analyzed. With the GC-2014, the optimum injection   The TCD employs the highly regarded semi-diffusion TCD cell of the GC-14 Series.
 column and sample introduction method be selected   mode can be selected from four types of injection units.  High-selectivity detectors offer superb sensitivity realized by further improving the technology used in the GC-2010 detectors.
 according to analytical objectives and samples to be
            Flame Ionization Detector                                                                                                Flame Thermionic Detector
 Dual Packed   Split/Splitless   FID-2014                                                                                                FTD-2014C
 Injection Unit  Injection Unit
 DINJ-2014  SPL-2014  Automatic ignition and re-ignition functions are standard. By mounting an APC                                  This specialized capillary-type detector employs the FTD-2010
            or solenoid valve unit, a feedback function cuts off gas supply when the                                                 mechanism. Used for analysis of organic nitrogen compounds and
            hydrogen  ame is extinguished. Generally used for detection of organic                                                   organic phosphorus compounds such as residual pesticides.
 Designed for Dual FID and TCD   Standard unit for high-speed
 analyses.   analysis with a narrow bore   compounds with a hydrogen carbon bond.                                                    The new collector construction allows replacement without tools.
 Because two  ow paths are   column.   An optional  ame monitor is available.                                                        An optional alkali source regeneration kit recoats the bead
 handled using one   The gas saver function restricts   Single and dual FID’s are available.                                         reducing running costs.
 temperature control port,   the total gas used.
 these count as one heated   High-pressure injection
 zone.  standard  Thermal Conductivity Detector
                                                                                                                                                                 *Collector replacement
                 TCD-2014                                                                                                                                          requires no tools.
 Single Packed   Direct Injection
 Injection Unit  Unit  The TCD-2014 is a semi-diffusion type cell reducing contamination and increasing
            cell lifetimes. Incorporates an automatic  lament protection circuit. The TCD-2014                                       Flame Thermionic Detector
 SINJ-2014  WBI-2014  is used for analysis of inorganic gases and concentrated organic compounds.
 This is a specialized sample   Incorporates a septum purge
 injection unit for use with ECD    ow path to restrict solvent   Electron Capture Detector                                          Packed column analysis is supported by the FTD- 2014 using the
 or other high sensitivity   tailing.                                                                                                FTD-14 mechanism and collectors from both the FTD-14 and -17.
 detectors.  Sharing glass inserts with   ECD-2014
 splitless analysis simpli es
 parts requirements (patented).  This cell is very similar to the ECD-14; so spare radiation sources can be shared.
            This detector is used for analysis of electrophillic compounds. Improved cell
            insulation and reduces contamination achieving higher sensitivity.
                                                                                                                                     Optional Units
 Simultaneously Mount up to   CAUTION
 Three Injection Units and Four Detectors  Top of GC-2014  The ECD uses a radioactive Ni63 source. Special governmental registration is required to   A variety of options support various types of analyses
             use or purchase it. Please check with your local Shimadzu representative for relevant
             regulations in your area.
 Select from four types of injection units and  ve types of detectors according
                                                                                                                                     AOC-20 Series                          SystemGC
 to the target compounds and analysis objective. Modular injection units,
 detectors and auto-injectors can be easily added after installing the unit in   Detector mounting site                              The AOC-20i auto injector              A sub-door is included for
            Flame Photometric Detector
 your lab.                                                                                                                           and AOC-20s auto sampler               SystemGC products. The column
                 FPD-2014                                                                                                            is used with the GC-2014.              oven door is separated into the
 Flexibility  7  8 9  The FPD-2010, the nozzle system was updated to provide support for packed                                      Varying the parameters of              column and sub door. The sub-door
                                                                                                                                                                            can accommodate three
                                                                                                                                     sample injection sets the
 Unit Addition  1  5  2  6  3  4  column analysis while maintaining its high sensitivity. The ability to exchange                    optimal injection mode.                temperature-controlled valves, and
 Options after Installation  OPTION  1  2  3  4  nozzles optimizes both packed column and capillary column analyses.                 This high level of precision           the left-side panel three valves that
 4 types of injection units  The FPD-2014 is compact with a high maximum temperature (350°C). This                                   and repeatability is not               are not temperature-controlled.
 Injection units / Detectors                                                                                                         possible with manual                   The PRG-2010 is used to control
 Auto-injectors  Injector mounting site  detector is used for analysis of organic sulphur compounds and organic
 5 types of detectors  Various options can be added  phosphorus compounds such as residual pesticides and malodorous components.     injection.                             these valves.
                                                                                                                                                                            SystemGC’s are custom order
                                        *Filter replacement requires                                                                                                        products. For details, contact your
                                          no tools.
                                                                                                                                                                            Shimadzu representative.

 8                                                                                                                  9                                                                                      Capillary and Packed Gas Chromatograph  10
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